Mustang Sally's Horror House
Mustang Sally's Horror House
| 18 June 2006 (USA)
Mustang Sally's Horror House Trailers

Looking for a little fun before resuming another grueling semester at college, six buddies visit Mustang Sally's whorehouse, where they expect the madam to introduce them to the girls of their dreams. As it turns out, however, the madam has more on her mind than passion, and the lads soon find themselves lured into a trap from which they may never escape in this campy horror treat starring Elizabeth Daily, Lindsey Labrum and Mark Parrish.


I try to be very tolerant of independent films. It has to take a lot of moxie to get any film made, let alone one on a limited budget, and MUSTANG SALLY wears its limited budget like a badge of honor. It looks like it was shot at a friend's cabin over the course of a couple days by some frat boys and their girlfriends.Not that this is a bad thing. Sam Raimi showed everyone the possibilities of low budget horror (and the woods) with EVIL DEAD. But MUSTANG SALLY has none of the crazed energy of Sam's picture. In fact, it's difficult to classify it as a horror film despite its original title. There's nothing supernatural about it. There's nothing particularly bloody. Even the "sex scenes," which seem to be the main reason for this film's existence, are badly shot teases. There's no real nudity, just endless groping and rolling around. Lots of it. Sequence after sequence after sequence...and when that's not enough, the filmmakers split the screen into four segments so we can watch simultaneous rolling and groping.*SPOILERS* What's the plot? As close as I could figure, a bunch of party animal frat boys overhear some bikers talking about a local whorehouse and decide to pay it a visit. The madame of the place (EG Daily of PEEWEE'S BIG ADVENTURE fame), is only to happy for their patronage, although she looks a little drug-addled and seems to be stumbling through her appearance. The guys hook up. There's groping and rolling for a good half hour of the picture. When the novelty of filming these sequences wears off, the girls try and kill the boys. And then there's a confusing revelation in which Miss Daily reveals that she was raped by the boys' fathers, had a bunch of kids, and has enlisted the aid of the bikers for payback. Why she went to such elaborate means for this revenge scheme is beyond me. It's never explained what association she had with the bikers or why the girls were so eager to assist her in this insane enterprise. It's suggested that there's some kind of relationship -- are they her daughters? -- but EG has little remorse when some of them are killed (and the others just disappear from the plot at the denouement). Forgetting logic, because EVIL DEAD used very little and was still a classic -- here's the biggest problem: MUSTANG SALLY is either a sex film with no sex or a gore film with no gore. The "effects" are laughable. Gunshots, stabbings, gougings, are all done in cutaways. We see the after effects, but never an impact, which is unusual for this type of picture. But since there are no such distractions, this leaves us with endless dialog sequences that appear entirely improvised. Did I mention endless? All the guys speak in stilted "teen speak" that verges on the painful. The girls mumble clownishly about adolescent sexual fantasies, some of which I have to assume is intended comically, but these moments are few and far between.How does a movie like this get distributed the world over? More important, how does it pick up so many rave reviews on IMDb?

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Paul Andrews

Mustang Sally starts as six young guys, Josh (Mark Parrish), Mike (Erik Fellows), Toby (Sonny Marler), Luke (Garrison Koch), Seamus (Sean McGene) & Ryan (Al Santos) are sitting in the local small town diner where they overhear some bikers talking about a nearby brothel run by a woman named Mustang Sally (Elizabeth Daily) & decide they'd all like a piece of the action, so to speak. They jump in Josh's car & head right on over there, when they arrive they are greeted by Sally & introduced to her 'girls' whom all pick a guy (shouldn't it have been the other way round?) & then head off to the various bedrooms for some fun. Unfortunately for the boys these hookers are homicidal maniacs with revenge on their minds...This Canadian American co-production was co-scored, written, co-produced & directed by Iren Koster who also had a part in the film as someone called Popsie, I actually thought Mustang Sally was an OK film by which to pass 90 odd minutes. The script for the first half of the film plays like a cheap porno with these guys being introduced to some hot birds & then going off together for some fun & it's not until past this point that the horror kicks in, in fact the first half of Mustang Sally has no horror elements in it at all. Now this would have been fine but the sex scenes are really tame, there's barely any nudity, there's no variety apart from the dominatrix who gets someone to kiss her boots & ties him up & it may disappoint some in that regard, at this point I just felt a golden opportunity to be totally perverted, sleazy & exploitative had been missed. However the horror kicks in & there's some decent bloodletting & a surprisingly effective little twist at the end. It moves along at a good pace & I was never bored unlike a lot of low budget horror these day, the teenage character's weren't that annoying & it doesn't seem to take itself too seriously.Director Kastor does alright, it's not exactly the most visually stylish film you'll ever see but it's quite well shot all the same. There's nothing particularly sexy in this, nothing explicit & the film doesn't seem to want to build up any tension or shocks. The gore levels aren't high, someone is stabbed, there's a scythe in someones chest & neck, someone has their tongue cut out & people are shot although it's not that graphic, the nudity count is also surprisingly low considering the potential of the situation & the basic material.The budget was probably low as seen in the end when Mustang Sally's house blows up for no apparent reason, it is shown as a blurred reflection on the Sheriff's sunglasses as he 'talks' us through what's just happened because he reports it over his own radio back to the police station. As a whole it's a bit cheap looking. The acting isn't great but it ain't too bad I suppose considering the material.Mustang Sally, maybe better known as Mustang Sally's Horror House, is a reasonably decent horror/wannabe porn film that doesn't really excel in either genre but is an OK watch if you've got nothing better to do.

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My friends and I were expecting to watch a slasher film when we sat down to watch Mustang Sally's Horror House. But, it was more than that. The girls in this movie are so hot and sexy. There was more teasing than nudity, but it didn't matter, because the girls were so great! Some of the story was a little corny, but it was entertaining nonetheless. Interesting how it all turned out in the end. There was some blood to keep our attention, and really twisted murder scenes that made us squirm in our shorts (you'll understand when you see the movie), but again, it's the gorgeous girls that make this movie so great. We wouldn't have passed up the chance to go to Mustang Sally's either!

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Brittney Cates

Once in a while, a little movie is made at a low budget, that transcends most others. We've seen big budgeted movies that have a weak story but Mustang Sally tells a really captivating one and does it at a modest budget. Acting all around is believable. Nice locations, production value (a car racing a train) and it is well directed. I don't know who the director is but he/she did an excellent job. I'm a film student and know how hard it is to even get a film off the ground so this gives people like me hope. It CAN be done!! Of course talent has a lot to do with it. I saw Mustang Sally on my vacation in London, England with a bunch of friends. They all loved it. It has suspense, humor, it's sexy and let's not forget there's eye candy for all. The boys are really handsome and the girls are beautiful. If you want to watch a movie that you will enjoy on all levels, I recommend you see Mustang Sally.

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