Muhammad: The Last Prophet
Muhammad: The Last Prophet
| 08 November 2002 (USA)
Muhammad: The Last Prophet Trailers

More than fourteen centuries ago, Mecca was filled with gambling, drunkenness, slavery, the mistreatment of women, and greed. The holy Ka'bah was littered with idol gods. Pilgrims came by the thousands to worship them. Quarysh, Mecca's ruling body, reveled in the their good fortune but cared little for the welfare of the pilgrims of Arabia.Against this dismal scene, a man named Muhammad (pbuh) retreated to a cave high above Mecca to pray. The events that transpired in that cave changed the course of human history.This is the story of the blessings of Muhammad (pbuh) - The Last Prophet.


a must watch for anyone interested in learning about Islam or for a Muslim that wants to be reminded about how it all started. It is a must see for all people of all ages who would like a summary of Islamic history in fun way. Unfortunately, the movie is very hard to find since it is seldom shown on movie screens, and is virtually unavailable for sale anywhere. One can find "unoffical" copies dubbed or subtitled in many languages, including Arabic, Turkish and English. I have asked many of the copyright holders for the reason that this very important movie is not available in the market in DVD, VCD or VHS formats. To date, I did not receive any reply. This is somehow frustrating. If I were in control of things, I would make this movie available in all languages and in all countries for free or for a very nominal price. But I guess we have to wait till the next century.

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This film shows a humorous and lively animation of the Prophets life and portrays his companions in a lovable way along with his foe's as cartoon like baddies, depicting on their much annoying qualities, for example Abu Lahab is shown as money greedy and Abu Jahl is shown as hungry for power, similar to Jafar from Aladdin.The Prophet is shown in a kind and compassionate way and his journey of delivering the message of worshipping the One God allows the viewer to embark on this adventure and intrigues them to find out more about the details of what actually did happen.The movie is suitable for young children with eager minds allowing them to develop skills in character analysis and subtleties of conversation, this is a family film and one most enjoyable to watch on a cosy day in.10/10

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I'd just like to comment to Hazim Ibrahim. It is haram (forbidden) to show any likeness of any prophets in Islam. The obvious reason for this being that no one alive today would know what they look like. This is to prevent controversy like what Christians encounter when they try to portray Jesus (AS). Aside from that, it's really inconsequential what any of the prophets looked like. The focus should be on their message. Secondly there are not enough material out there for Muslim children so I don't think you should denounce an effort to provide one. Third, it is important for Muslim children to learn about the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)and video is an easy way to reach them. Should the restriction on portraying the Prophet (SAW) prevent such videos from being made? I don't think so. I believe this video was a good effort and I welcome videos like this one.

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hi,wow, I'm surprised to hear that it's REAL Islamic movie. As being Muslim, I love it. Thanks to Allah that it's REAL Islamic movie so everybody could understand it. Muhammad is the greatest last prophet of Islam. Allah Bless you, Director of Muhammad, the Last Prophet. I hope that everybody would like it as they will see the real Islamic movie. All of my Muslim friends love that movie because it has no terrorists or bad things based on Muslims. Although that some people don't like Muslims, but they must have to understand to see the good side of Muslim people. Allah Hafiz and Salaam.

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