There is some good talent here in Meteor, but how this mini-series wasted it was unforgivable. The best and only good thing about it is Christopher Lloyd, more subdued than usual but still makes a conscientious effort, and he's only in it for an hour, maybe that he realised that it was so bad and refused to be part of it. Other talented actors like Jason Alexander and Ernie Hudson also don't have very much to do, they try hard but can't do anything with their material. The rest of the actors are just terrible, Michael Rooker is just embarrassing to watch. It is just sad that the big-names, who actually show talent, have little to do and those who show nowhere near as much talent are given more though that's saying little. Because the characters are cardboard cut-out, made to act interminably obnoxious, and they are very underdeveloped and entirely unsympathetic to the viewer, for a mini-series of this length that is just as inexcusable as wasting the big-names. And the dialogue is vomit-inducing and idiotic with all the characters spouting annoyingly stale clichés, to the extent also of making us feel stupid. The story just rambles on and on, the disaster itself is over-dramatised and there are subplots that take far too long to get going or resolve. What's worse is that most of them are completely irrelevant and just feel like padding, while there is nothing tense, thrilling, suspenseful or even engaging about the story. At best the science is questionable, it felt like the writers were making it on the spot with the audience just feeling perplexed, and the ending is one that you can smell a mile off, that's how predictable it is. The music is basically made up of four different themes and moods and is incredibly repetitive, even worse they are introduced randomly and with no regard of the mood of the scene or what had happened before. While visually and directorially the mini-series is the very meaning of amateurish, there's literally been better effects on the worst of Power Rangers and Disney teen movies/shows, there's nothing interesting, subtle or distinctive about the photography, and the overall look of it is depressingly drab. All in all, absolutely terrible in all senses, committing the sins of wasting any talent there is and not developing characters or dialogue over the length. If it wasn't for Lloyd there would have been no redeeming features. 1/10 Bethany Cox
... View MoreHaving read the reviews of this mini series prior to watching I was expecting a total dog but was somewhat surprised on it's production and acting. Many familiar actors from Back to the future, Stargate, Seinfield,The Walking Dead kept appearing in various roles which I found throughly entertaining as I kept wonder who was going to show up next.Certainly I could poke holes threw some of the science behind the story but I have yet to watch a disaster movie you couldn't do so. Several parts though I did find annoying. The amount of car crashes and constant threats one of the main female characters repeatably went threw got to the ridiculous stage. Anyone with that much bad luck is unlikely to be the saviour of the world.The special effects while not top class where acceptable although they could have been more spetacular even within the limits of a mini series.All in all though it's a harmless little series that deserves better ratings due to people over analyzing ever detail. So just sit back relax and enjoy Meteor for what it is.
... View MoreDear GOD. Perhaps the worst movie I've ever seen. From the blatantly obvious mistakes and continuity issues that will have you laughing out loud, to the "made out of foam" rubble, this movie plays as more of a comic version of "What not to do" film school training film! DON'T waste 4 hours of your life. How did SyFy manage to find the money and the bigger name actors to support this bowl of mush? Just awful. I feel sorry for anybody who actually spent more than an evening to completely watch this mess. Of course, I never go into any SyFy made movie expecting much at all, but even this was definitely bad for a SyFy made for TV film.
... View MoreI rented the DVD of this movie without knowing much about it. First I was surprised that it runs a shade longer than 3 hours. In fact the DVD has what amounts to two 90-minute movies on it, "Meteor Part 1" and Meteor Part 2." So we watched them on consecutive days. Then, it seems this was a made-for-TV movie, but I don't know if it was ever shown that way. I can't find out much about it.I was entertained. The premise is that an asteroid about 60 or so miles across has collided with another body to change its course. Now it is headed straight to Earth, and in particular it seems southern California. A heavenly body this large could end life on Earth, much as is theorized happened millions of years ago to make dinosaurs and other species extinct. The movie has pretty good actors. Bill Campbell is Jack, a policeman. Marla Sokoloff is Imogene, the brunette scientist who has the coordinates for a possible shoot-down using nuclear warheads on rockets. My favorite of course is Christopher Lloyd as Dr. Lehman, the scientist who first discovers the Earth is in danger, and colleague of Imogene's. Stacy Keach is good as the small town sheriff Crowe. And Jason Alexander is a serious role is Dr. Chetwyn at the JPL, trying to figure out the right coordinates. While Ernie Hudson as Gen. Brasser is putting pressure on everyone in the underground location to give him launch data.We were irritated by the three stories. The main one of course was to see if the Earth could be saved. But there also was a story of a school bus of children that got hit by a wayward meteorite, brought to a hospital, which was then hit by another. Can they dig out and survive? The third story was about a rogue cop who was out to get back at Jack by capturing his daughter and father and killing them in Jack's presence. I would have preferred a 2-hour movie that stuck to the main theme.I only enjoyed the main story, I was fascinated by how they might defeat a giant rock headed to the Earth. But I have lots of issues with the movie, how things were depicted, and the dialog. Foremost a "meteor" is simply the flash of light we see as a meteorite or other object enters the Earth's atmosphere and begins to burn up. The large rocks that are in space heading towards us, or the parts that actually hit buildings, school buses, or the ground are NOT "meteors." They are meteorites. Why did they want to be dumb about it? Anyway overall it is definitely a "B" movie, and we often found ourselves laughing at the absurdity of certain parts of the movie. Otherwise competent people kept running out of gasoline in the middle of nowhere, or drove out of range of cell towers, or had low batteries in their cell phones, all of which was necessary to build drama. It would be quite a stretch to call it a good movie, but it is mostly entertaining.
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