Martian Through Georgia
Martian Through Georgia
| 28 December 1962 (USA)
Martian Through Georgia Trailers

Way out in space, on another world whose population is contented, one of its people decides that travel broadens the mind and relieves boredom. So, he flies to Earth in hope of helping the alien Earthlings improve their lot, only to cause panic and be declared a monster just because he looks different. So, he decides to return home, where, at least, he can find love.

Edgar Allan Pooh

. . . (to use Warner Bros.' animated short MARTIAN THROUGH GEORGIA's favorite word) attacks on Big Religion as THE MASTER, THE ANTI-CHR!ST, THE LAST TEMPTATION OF CHR!ST, BEN HUR (2016), LEFT BEHIND, THE RAPTURE, RED STATE, DOGMA, FRAILITY, and ELMER GANTRY, this site will have a page for THE BOOK OF MORMON the minute it's committed to screen, just as it already does for SOUTH PARK and SEP+EMBER DAWN. However, there's no need for you to sit through a two-hour-plus feature flick to learn all the high points, ins-and-outs, and latest dope about the group to which one-time Massachusetts Gov. Mitt "I-Invented-Obama-Care" Romney belongs. MARTIAN THROUGH GEORGIA has it all, from the Magic Underwear to the Personal Planets. Several million years of Mormon History is covered here in less than seven minutes, well within the attention span of any Centurion (or is it Centennarian?) Sect President. It feels just like you're in the Salt Lake City Temple Square Visitor Center, but you can watch MARTIAN THROUGH GEORGIA in the comfort of your Own Personal Planet.

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While I am a fan of Chuck Jones and most of his cartoons, Martian Through Georgia doesn't see him at his best. That's not to say it's bad, the animation is eye-popping in colour and detail with character designs that are really quite unique. The standout was in the beginning, the expressionistic look was perfect for life on Mars. The music is vibrantly orchestrated and has a lot of character too, it does give energy to Martian Through Georgia that I don't think were there in the gags. The cartoon also begins very strongly, and Mel Blanc's voice acting is solid as rocks. Sadly, the story and humour never really catches fire. The story is certainly interesting enough in its idea, I just think that the Martian's adventures on Earth takes too much of the running time(they were interesting to see but not particularly fun, memorable or exciting), while the pacing lacked snap and excitement. And some of it feels confused and as though the cartoon is trying to do too much. Martian Through Georgia doesn't really have much that is funny let alone hilarious and the narration is not just annoying but doesn't always make sense either. The Martian is a likable titular character, just not a particularly compelling one. The ending also felt abrupt. To conclude, a cartoon that interests and one that is neither great or awful, just kind of a mixed bag. 5/10 Bethany Cox

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Just watched this Warner Bros. Looney Tunes cartoon on YouTube. Chuck Jones and Abe Levitow along with Maurice Noble directed this pretty amusing one-shot about an inhabitant of supposedly Mars who, unlike others, is lonely and bored. So, on the advice of his psychiatrist, he travels to Earth where he finds some excitement and when he hears of a "monster" he decides to do something about it. Like I said, not much laughs but the story, which was co-written by Jones, is pretty involving and, if you've ever felt alienated, is easy to relate to as well. With all that said, I highly recommend Martian Through Georgia to anyone who's a fan of Jones and/or Warner Bros. cartoons.

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Alexis (griffin84)

If anyone at Termite Terrace could put together a classic sci-fi cartoon, it was Chuck Jones and Maurice Noble, the creative team behind 'Duck Dodgers', 'Mad as a Mars Hare', and of course 'Martian through Georgia'. The story shows a young alien (though he is called a Martian in the 'toon, it was never established that he was from Mars) whom has become incredibly bored with his home planet. Advised to travel and broaden his horizons, the little Martian comes across Earth, and realizes that here he can be happy. Of course, the people of Earth only see him as a monster and freak out. What makes this cartoon so special is that the little Martian doesn't realize that HE is the monster, and decides to help the Earth out by finding and destroying the monster! The design and layout of 'Martian Through Georgia' is a prime-example of Jones and Noble's talent, showcasing eye-popping color, beautiful backgrounds, and a great storyline that Jones himself help write ( this 'toon is a rare exception where Michael Maltese, Jones' #1 writer, is nowhere to be found). A classic 'toon that deserves an honored spot on any collector's list, 'Martian through Georgia' is amazing work from one of the best teams at Termite Terrace. Be sure to check it out!

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