Martial Law 9-11: Rise of the Police State
Martial Law 9-11: Rise of the Police State
NR | 08 June 2005 (USA)
Martial Law 9-11: Rise of the Police State Trailers

Evil has spread across the land. Martial Law: 9/11 Rise of the Police State exposes the high-tech control grid that is being set up across America Out of the ashes of the September 11th tragedy, a dark empire of war and tyranny has risen. The Constitution has been shredded and America is now a Police State. This film exposes not just who was behind the 9-11 attacks, but the roots and history of its orchestrators.


Everything Alex Jones talks about in this movie can be supported if you look for it. The movie simply doesn't have time to show all of the documentation, but if you do a bit of research yourself you can find all of it. The people who debunk this movie are just scared of the truth, that 9/11 was planned by the government. The evidence is so overwhelming that most people don't want to believe it, but you can't turn a blind eye to cold hard facts which is what Alex Jones repeatedly provides over and over in this movie. I suggest you check out his other movie, Secrets of Bohemian Grove, and you can for yourself see how screwed up our government is and how its all just a big good old boys club. Bush is as two faced as it gets, and we should all be scared.

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Kalle Lortesnask

This "documentary" is based on a Conspiracy Thoery that a US-Neo-con-Jewish-shadow-government planned and executed 9/11, and blamed it on the Arabs, so that USA could have a war on terror and get oil.Sounds like a brilliant theory, but not if you think really hard on it - it is far too complex to execute in reel life. But for a generation of lonely an uneducated men, living in their grandmothers basement, it sounds very likely. When you don't experience life, if you only stay at home and watch and read Science Fiction, it is very likely. But if you have been in the military or worked in reel life for some years, you would know that it is almost to complex a plan to execute, if you don't want any leeks. But in a conspiracy theory it doesn't matter that much.A conspiracy theory is not scientific or logic of nature, it is political of nature. That is why they are so dangerous. Especially when people WANT their leaders to be guilty for everything that has gone wrong. So a conspiracy theory basically is the will of the village idiot. So that the village-idiot can feel important. To take the despair of ones own poor life, and projecting on ones leaders - that is the essence of the conspiracy theory. When a conspiracy theorists makes a theory, he starts with the conclusion, then works his/her way from their. Making the evidence fit, or ignoring it, if it contradicts.It is the same with the 9/11-theories. Because their is a large element of political demography in the western countries that are not that well represented in the elections. And that is the conspiracy theorists, which are far-left-winged village-idiots.1) A claim from the Conspiracy Theorists (CT's) is that the Two towers could not have collapsed the way they did. So they have to be brought down by demolition. Fact: these theories are based on 1 guy working in demolition, who said that the collapse of WTC looked like controlled demolition. the CT's have talked about this ever since. Even though that countless of independent demolition experts have stated that it doesn't look exactly like controlled demolition. Because it could have been so many other reasons. The impact of the Boeing 767 damaged the support columns and steel floor trusses, causing an inwards collapse of perimeter columns, which pulled floors straight down. The CT's then claimed that all these many demolition experts, along with 3 levels of American government, Oliver Stone, Paul Greengras and all the Islamic world is part of this massive conspiracy only to fool the American public.2) The CT's claim that WTC7 was also destroyed by demolition. Fact: the backside, facing WTC was heavily damaged by the collapse of WTC, so much of the front was destroyed. Also the the WTC-collapse made the diesel-generators in the basement of WTC7 spill out much diesel, which burned the WTC7 up from the ground. Their are a couple of pictures which show this, but in their self-selected-ignorance the CT's choose to claim that all of these pictures are faked.... Also it would take weeks for people to set charges with that much explosives, also their would be wires everywhere. But it is easy to claim this when you are a CT's. While sitting in their mothers basement making, during the shifts as sales-clerk at the local mall, the make conspiracy theories - based on much science and engineering-skills which they have no idea of what means, but claim that they do. Most CT's are poor excuses of men of Science. They should not be listened to, but it is very dangerous to let them be ignored - their ignorance can spread, if the CT's is allowed to breed. Therefore the CT's should be taught science, math-skills and so on, on every single occasion we can.3) Some CT's claim that the Bush-administration made the F-15 stand down. Because else the planes would be shot down. Fact: the defense of USA is more aimed at defending USA against Russian Fighters. And if there was a hijacking they could be used to shot down these airplanes as well. But the whole air-liner-defense is based on the internal transponders in EVERY SINGLE jet-airliner. The air-jets have these transponders, so that the air-traffic-crews can see where all the hundreds and hundreds planes are around USA, and can see what the airplanes are. What the terrorists did was simple, they simply turned the transponders off. Then the F-15 or F-16 couldn't identify the exact airliners. The CT's didn't know this, or rather they choose to ignore it. Because CT's WANTS to believe in these theories, even if they have to lie or ignore the reel facts.Conspiracy theories are becoming a religion for these people - it is scary. CT's will never seize to believe i Conspiracy theories, it is their religion. The attack everyone who doesn't believe in them - saying that they are part of this massive conspiracy. CT's wants to keep their prejudges that all Arabs and Muslims are too poor, dumb and joyful to attack USA 9/11.For CT's it is so easy to say that the US-military did it. But then again, none of the CT's have any experience in the Military or anything with responsibility. If 9/11 indeed was planned and carried out by the military and US-government, then there would have been involved hundreds of civilian- and military-personal. And could that have been carried out without a single leak? Could that have been carried out without leaving behind a single piece of evidence hard enough to stand up to the scrutiny of court? The retarded Conspiracy Theorists answer would be: Yes. People with experience in the reel world's answer would be: NO! CT's: get a life.

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Wouldn't it be nice if there really WAS a police state in which the police actually cared about doing something about crime on a more responsible scale, on a regular day to day basis? For example, actually doing something about the countless morons who feel fine about the endless noise pollution and life disruption from their pounding car stereos, or the drunks who peer endlessly from their window and yell for no real reason other than to annoy, or for that manner, even more serious criminals who are just let right back out into society? Or where dangerously stupid people (and not just bad drivers either) on your own street actually had to answer to the law on a more long-term basis?Wouldn't it be nice if the people on the street that ambush "journalists" are most likely to interview had an ounce of sense or even a slight degree of intelligence, but then that would be a contradiction since such people would know not to deliberately harass people and especially police during an event like this, or wander around aimlessly in undesirable locations and times in the first place...The really amusing scenes in this fake documentary are when Alex is confronting people who are doing basically the SAME THING he is (although what he is doing is on somewhat of a more ridiculous, exaggerated scale).Here we have this sad slob of a man stalking people and confronting people (not even letting people eat in peace) and complaining about OTHER people filming him! He is harassing, filming, and stalking even the POLICE while complaining how HIS rights are being violated!Can you believe this? Ha ha ha ha ha ha!The fact that this silly movie is even allowed to exist on such a wide scale is proof enough the material within it is a severe fallacy.In short, an okay comedy, but runs far too long and is too repetitive. 1/10

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I watched this flawed documentary, and I must say: very bad science went into it, the filmmaker have no conception of physics (if he ever graduated). The most plot of the movie is that the Bush-administration planned 9/11. At first the film is convincing, but if you think, then it is awful. Because the film says that Bin Laden at first did not admit it - yes that is true, but he did later, over and over again, and so did the rest of Al-Quada as well (and Al-Quada does exist (conspiracy-theorists: No, Al-Quada is not CIA-agents in disguise as you claim), just turn on TV from Iraq). The Al-Quada is very proud of it. And many of the people there are very clever, very clever indeed. Many of them engineers. So it is very believable that they had the brains to do it (unlike some conspiracy-theorists claims that Arabs are too dumb, so it has to be Jews (my own experience is that Arabs are like everybody else: Clever, sweat, funny and sometimes vengeful, as everybody else, so they could do it)). One of the claims of the film is that Jet-fuel could never have made the buildings go down, because jet-fuel does not burn hot enough to melt iron. Once again they show that they do not have any grasp of reality or physics. Yes, Jet-fuels burning-temperature is lower than irons, but that is in a lab. When it hits a office building, there are a lot of elements that feet the fire: there are many tables, chairs, plants, other office-stuff and tonnes of paper (but this the conspiracy-theorists completely have ignored, they take their hands to their heads and go: "lalalala, i cant hear you", because they want to believe this lie, this fantasy-story). The wood, paper and other material made the fire burn even hotter, so that the temperature was raised to the hight as the melting-temperature of Iron. But here again, the conspiracy-theorists show that they have no grasp of science or physics: heat makes metal weaker, so that iron skeleton of the building was weakened very much, so that the only think that held it up was the cement outside it. But this cement was soon crackled, because the heat of the fire made the iron expand (yes, conspiracy-theorists, heat makes metal expand, you didn't know that, did you?) so that it made the whole floor very weak, and in the end buckled under for the immense pressure on top. Conspiracy-theorists: please read some more practical physics. There maybe is one physics-professor that have stated for this theory - but then again, the same people proved the magic-bullet-theory in the case of the assassination of JFK. The science magazine: Popular mechanics have proved that all of these theories are basically wrong, you should all look it up, it is enlightening. The magazine talked to many demolition-experts and engineers who said the same things. There are tonnes of other things in this movie which is exaggerated and misinterpreted - deliberately. This movie is mostly made by Alex Jones him self, than can be seen, so bad is the movie. Don't watch it, it is a rape of the genre "documentary", because it has nothing to do with reality. It is a fantasy-picture, where a impersonation of reality have been pulled around, to look as if it is the truth - though it is not (apparant to most educated people).

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