| 12 May 2012 (USA)
Mantera Trailers

About a boy, Azman who stumbles upon a nano-tech glove which can transform his motorbike into body armor. The technology was designed by Dr.Natasya Irina Pushkin, a scientist at the Western Tech. Corporation. However, when she realizes that her creation will be used by a man with the power to destroy the world, she is determined to sabotage it.


My mom always said I was stubborn. This is apparent when I saw Mantera was rated 1.5 stars in Netflix and I proceeded to watch the the movie anyway. And one I started to watch it, it was like a turd that you've already started pushing out. It was too late, I had to go all the way and birth this turd of a movie. As mentioned in other reviews, this movie stole so many elements. Even the crane kick scene from The Karate Kid. Also a lot of this movie was stolen from The Guyver, "Bio Booster Armor". The acting was cheesy and pungent!Please take heed to my warning and those of my fellow reviewers. Unless you want to birth a turd of your own.

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Skin Missile

I'll keep my review short. This movie is like a fart in the wind. You never seen it coming but leaves you in utter disgust!Ready to vomit everything on the floor. I would rather go play leap frog with a unicorn than have to sit through another 10 minutes of this repulsive compressed turd of a movie. I guess this is what i get for having high hopes in what I know should not exist. The moment the intro scene was revealed it was like that feeling when you have a near death experience and lost in broken thought frantically trying to find either the stop or pause button, luckily for me as soon as I was about to rip my TV off the wall my foot unplugged it saving me from having to buy a new one.

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Actually, my headline is a lie. This movie sucked in every way possible: the special effects, the plot line, the HORRIBLE lifeless wooden acting, the sub par out of sync dubbing .. and just about every other aspect of this movie. But don't believe me, please. Rather, watch it for yourself and come to your own conclusion (that way, I don't have to suffer alone). If you can make it through the entire movie without pausing to take a mental break, stopping the movie entirely, or screaming out in pain, then you are more of a manly man than I.This movie is unfortunately a rip off of so many others that came before it. The transforming motorcycles: Mospeada/Genesis Climber (or Robotech third gen). The nano suit: Crysis. The leader of the enemies: Dr. Claw from Inspector Gadget cartoon fame.Someday, the people that wrote this movie will find out that the US government is using it to torture "terrorists" (or whatever the US government decides to label their latest and greatest made up enemies) and send them a bill that will finally result in this catastrophe being profitable.

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Terrible movie. Horrible dubbing, lackluster performances, clichéd and extremely lazy writing, horrible effects, terrible cinematography, and to add insult to... well, *more* insult to injury, there's actually a sequel bait ending.But I must say, this film's biggest sin is not the terrible writing. It isn't the terrible dubbing. It isn't even the sequel bait ending (which still pisses me off). No, this film's biggest sin is that it doesn't even get the action right. I can forgive the poor effects (I watch Kamen Rider and those effects aren't great either), but the action in this SUCKS. And that just makes the poor effects and everything else all the more painful. This films ONLY redeeming qualities were A. The concept is inherently cool (no thanks to the film). And B. There were *maybe* a cool shot or two.Other than that? Nothing. There's nothing here. Waste of 87 minutes.

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