| 21 March 2001 (USA)
Mademoiselle Trailers

Claire is a young woman who leads a somewhat formatted life. Pierre is an improviser, but not an actor. Brief encounter, brief romance, doomed or not, who can say? When things like that happen, you act on the spur of the moment.


I do think Lioret is one of the best contemporary French director.His three last works (from "Je Vais Bien Ne T'en Fais Pas" onward)are among the best French production of the first decade of the 21th century."Mademoiselle" ,his third effort ,is not,IMHO,in the same league ,but it does show its director would be a name to reckon with in the following years.It's actually a long flashback,a process which was more used in the old cinema;it makes sense,for the principal,played by a wonderful Sandrine Bonnaire ,realizes that she has missed a lot by not following her true desires ("Toutes Nos Envies" is the title of Lioret's latest):not only she did not become a stage actress but she has also probably lost the man (Jacques Gamblin ,much better at ease in the intimate drama than he is in the thriller)of her lifetime.So she remembers 24 precious hours of her life,when she met a group of comedians who acted as entertainers in weddings ,retirement parties. Humor is not absent and the scene of the petition is a great moment of fun.The "speeches" in the gardens of the bride's father's desirable mansion introduce a bizarre emotion .And the little lighthouse and Pierre's story predate another Lioret 's movie "L'Equipier" ,in which the heroes are lighthouse keepers.Why this title? The word is used once in the whole movie ,but for the heroine,it means her salad days ,when everything was still possible.

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Filled with subtlety, nuance, great writing, and acting, this film explores the myriad of events, twists, and turns that bring two people together. Accidents and coincidences flow seamlessly, which is the fun of this film. It also comments on loneliness, being stuck in your ways, and how to apply spontaneity to ease boredom. This film holds up a mirror to life, simply reflecting it, and letting the audience see what they may. It's also a 'non-romantic' romance, which is what may have bothered the last critic in the acting style of the lead man. He's not overtly romantic, but he's very handsome and funny enough to catch the eye of Sandrine, the lead actress, in an impulsive moment. The scenes take place in parking lots, driveways, a cheap hotel and restaurant. But this is the mundane reality of many peoples lives so it is believable.

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I think that if one approaches this as sheer entertainment and nothing else then it is very satisfying. The movie is four years old and has attracted only three comments all of whom found it disappointing in some way and it is unlikely to attract more comments unless it is shown on TV somewhere or someone buys a DVD - assuming one is available - or, like myself, just happens to be in the right place at the right time (Cine Lumiere on the day they were having a clear out of videos). Given my already existing admiration for the two leads and writer-director Philippe Lioret, who scored later with L'Equipier (again with Bonnaire) I would have caught this in the cinema given the opportunity and I'm pleased to have seen it albeit some four years later. If you have a soft spot for romantic comedies that offer everything except a happy ending - think Roman Holiday, for example; there's even a nod to that earlier gem when Bonnaire goes for a spin on the back of a motor scooter with Gamblin at the wheel - then this is for you. Sandrine Bonnaire is at a convention where the entertainment is provided by a group of improv actors. Jacques Gamblin is one of the group. They share a Mayfly moment of love, passion, and part. That's it. But you'll remember it the way you remember the taste of an ice cream when you were eight years old.

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I didn't know any movie with Sandrine Bonnaire... I don't know why but knowing she stared in a movie always repulsed me. Stupid me. I didn't know Jacques Gamblin either except for "les enfants du marais", a movie I didn't appreciate so much (not bad, but a little boring except for Eric Cantonna's cameo). In "Mademoiselle", Sandrine Bonnaire plays a serious married working girl who meets an actor... They have a brief affair. That's all the plot, but it is really well told, that's all. I think it can be called a very good movie (let's give it a 9/10). Not the kind of movie that will change your life, but the kind you recall sometimes because of a funny sequence (there is quite a lot of that in this movie).

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