Love's Miracle
Love's Miracle
NR | 09 May 1912 (USA)
Love's Miracle Trailers

Wealth does not always bring happiness. The girl was young, rich, but an invalid, and the noted physicians who eared for her shook their heads wisely, and gravely pronounced her cause as one of general ill health, a gradual wasting away. Her one trouble, although the physicians did not suspect it, was that the girl did not really care whether she lived or died.


There are some beautiful views of Florida in this picture, its palms and its swampy Everglades by moonlight and at morning. The situation is new and is a good one. It shows us how love, waking in the heart of an invalid who hadn't walked for years, gave her the new life and strength to throw off her weakness. It is very well played by Miss Marguerite Snow and Mr. Cruze, who make of it a picture full of good entertainment, and one that pleased the audience. There are a thousand variations possible on this theme; they can be found in real life, in medical books dealing with psychotherapy. This may be a good suggestion to scenario writers. - The Moving Picture World, May 18, 1912

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