Love Letter
Love Letter
PG | 12 June 1998 (USA)
Love Letter Trailers

Hiroko attends the memorial service of her fiancé, Itsuki Fujii, who died in a mountain-climbing incident. Although Itsuki's mother says that their old house is gone, Hiroko records the address listed under his name in his yearbook and sends him a letter. Surprisingly, she receives a reply, and discovers it came from his old classmate, a girl who also happens to also be called Itsuki Fujii.


This title is deep. Because the title of "love letter" includes two meaning. The first meaning is two women's letter. The second meaning is a man's letter. Also, two women's face are very similar. In addition, one woman and one man are same name. If Hiroko didn't send letter, Ituki of woman can't know feeling of man's Ituki. Therefore, letter is very important role. So I think that these happenings are by a twist of fate. This film mixes past time. So it is interesting because audience can know character's background. Two women lose important person. So they are two of a kind, I think. This film is unrealistic, because they send a lot of letters to strange person. But it has deep contents. So it is worth watching.

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Hiroko, whose fiancé Itsuki died two years ago decides to write a letter to Itsuki's old address, and she surprisingly gets a reply. The person who replies to this letter is a woman who has a same name as Itsuki, and she went to the same school with Itsuki. Two women continues exchanging letters and share their memories about Itsuki. The story line is wonderful! Many things complexly related, but at last everything comes together and make sense. The story that the main character gets reply from the dead person is common, but I could not expect what happens next, and the ending part of this film. At first, I thought this film is kind of horror even though the title of the film is "Love Letter", but it is not. The story is well written, but also the characters are wonderful. I love this film and deeply recommend you to watch it.

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Kelly Park

This is one of the best romantic movies in my life. It doesn't have a kiss scene or even a hug scene like typical Hollywood movies, except for scenes recalling the past. The setting of the movie is winter in Japan. The director Suhnji Iwai made this film with many poetic scenes. I can recall the time when I was in high school. This movie reminded me of the pure feeling of love.Hiroko (Miho Nakayama) goes to her ex-boyfriend's memorial service. Itsuki Fujii died on a mountain climbing accident two years ago. When she visits the house of her ex-boyfriend's mother, she finds his high school year book and takes notes of his address. She struggles to overcome the grief coming from losing him at that moment. She sends a letter to Itski Fujii because of romantic reason. Surprisingly, she receives an answer from him. Hiroko knows the address does not exist any longer after it was demolished for a highway construction.Another female, Itsuki Fujii is a Hiroko's ex-schoolmate who shared the school days with him. Coincidentally she has the same name Itsuki Fujii and she tells many stories about male Itsuki's school life when they were young. Corresponding with letters for that time between them, Hiroko looks back on Itsukii's past and feels slightly jealous about female Itsukii. Moreover, female Itsukii finds another truth that she didn't know about the past. It seems like they are in a love triangle beyond time.Miho Nakayama plays roles of two women-Hiroko and female Itski -at the same time. Her acting is impressive, especially her crying monologue is very famous. The story is sad but she does not play her role with grief all the time. She acts with the sad feeling in moderation. With her beautiful voice, her acting sparkles pure and elegant.The director made this film with special camera effects. Some parts of this movie don't have the clear scene and instead he used the foggy, dreamlike scene intentionally. I think he wants to express his feeling with great delicacy, not directly.Considering only this story, it may look boring but it isn't boring at all while I watch this movie. It is filled with enormous mountain views and poetic music. The background piano music is very popular among people.In this film, the actors don't say many words but we can feel more than their lines because the dialogue is full of suggestions.The images from this movie still linger in my mind.

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Dan Starkey

Clearly this movie fascinates and enthralls the other reviewers here. Unfortunately I was immune to its poignancy of the languid music and lingering camera and found it simply extremely slow, absurdly contrived, and with a twist at the end that is so banal that I felt cheated, having hung on to the end in futile hopes of a rewarding conclusion. Nothing happens. The beginning is also very confusing, due to resemblance between characters, until you realize that the confusion is intentionally introduced and is central to the story. If only I had realized that the story's author also wrote "Failan," a movie so excruatingly precious and meaningful that after twenty minutes I had to shut it off to prevent my life energy from sapping away. "Love Letter" is of interest primarily to fans of precious romantic films.

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