Amar te duele is a Mexican romeo and juliet, except that every character is over the top and cartoonish. I don't think the director heard of subtlety before. Early on every body falls in their given roles. We are quickly told who are the bad guys we are supposed to hate, and who are good guys we are supposed to like.This movie which is already bad is made worse by cheap tricks. It is as if it is directed as a college project and the director is trying to show off, by randomly changing between black and white and color, using colored filters and even using low resolution cameras. Some times tricks like this can be really good, but for this you have to have a very good and different movie as a backbone so the people don't reject these effects as gimmicks.You have better things to do with your life then spend it watching this clunker.
... View MoreAn objective review: "Amar Te Duele" makes me really mad. I'm from Mèxico and believe me, these kind of fairy tales NEVER happen here. Never.Renata is a high class girl with a "cool" and fresh attitude towards everything. She has everything necessary to succeed in Mexican discriminatory society: money, a perfect body, a beautiful face, goes to a private school, etc. Although having a lot of money and friends just like her she supposedly falls in love with a lower class boy with a horrible attitude, criminal background, horrible clothes, and some awful friends. That will never happen here people! If you are like Ulises don't expect to meet a girl like her unless she goes to the same school where you study, or if you meet a girl like her in a private club. Not to mention that Renata is kind of a slut because she has a boyfriend when she starts going out with Ulises.Suddenly Renata kisses him as part of a bet she had with her friend and sister. Therefore, a love story begins. A love story with pink overtones. Renata and Ulises live a series only seen in movies! So please, watch only "Amar Te Duele" only as what it is : a fictional romantic comedy. Martha Higareda delivers a fun, sexy performance. She's really fresh and cute. Super sexy body and a beautiful face. TOo bad her character is too damn clichèd. But she does what she has to do; no wonder why she's a favorite among young people. Too bad that she performed in two gratuitous nudity scenes. Why would she play with her breasts? that scene was OBVIOUSLY intended to go for a male audience who would buy or watch the movie in theaters. Too bad Martha was part of a non-artistic scene and now she isn't considered for her acting skills but for her slutty attitude and physical attributes. I really liked her.The rest of the cast is also good. A new generation of Mexican talents. Too bad that they pick horrible roles like "Amar Te Duele". Certainly not a terrible movie, but obviously an attempt to storm the box office and spawn a new generation of Mexican romantic comedies that every time look more and more like in the USA. This does not happen in Mexican society! If you want to watch a movie that is close to Mèxico's reality watch Valentin Trujillo's "El Perro Callejero". Now, that's reality.
... View MoreSo it's a Romeo and Juliet type movie only it has to do with class differences and color In Mexico, there is much racism and hate against dark and poor people but these two young lovers do not care. They fight against all odds to continue their relationship but this all ends in tragedy. Cute guys! Great actors and lots of fun too! Most of the youth in this movie began acting careers as children. I recommend this movie as well as others like Sexo Pudor y Lagrimas, Amores Perros and Ladies Night although this last one is more like a "chick flick" because there are male strippers, a bachelorette party, many guys and lots of fun! The others are great though!NONA
... View MoreThis is the latest movie of the new Mexican film generation. It is a love story between two social classes. While the girl is rich and lives in a bubble, the guy is poor and has a harsh life. As many of the most recent Mexican movies, this movie incorporates a strong sense of humor. This humor may be seen as rudely presented, but it makes you laugh anyway. The story is easy going and you´ll not be bored during it, in fact despite of the cliche, you´ll be wishing for the lovers to get together in the end. The love story is poor. It´s a contemporary version of Romeo and Juliet. However, what makes this movie worthwile is the way it presents you with clasism in Mexico. Both, rich and poor, hate each other. In a part of the movie, the rich guy takes on the poor guy sort of teaching him a lesson. However, later, ther poor guys take revenge in a much stronger way. It also shows how the majority, although being poor, are more powerful that any minority, despite how many money they have. I give this film 3 stars.. worth watching for the kicks.
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