Lost Voyage
Lost Voyage
| 23 October 2001 (USA)
Lost Voyage Trailers

Twenty five years ago, the SS Corona Queen disappeared in the region known as, "The Bermuda Triangle". Now, it has returned. Seven people go on board to learn the truth behind her disappearance but the ship did not return alone...


First off, I know the film was made over 10 years ago, but it was really nice FINALLY seeing Judd Nelson actually IN the whole film! For the last several years pretty much all he's been doing are these drive-by scenes (quite literally in 'THE CARETAKER' - He never even gets out of the car...) And since I really DO like him and desperately wish with all my heart that he were in more and better films, it was kinda nice to see him as a central part of this movie (Oh, how I long for the days of 'FROM THE HIP', 'RELENTLESS', & 'CABIN BY THE LAKE')Also, it was great to see good ol' Lance Henriksen (kind of the same thing as Judd Nelson) It was nice too seeing him throughout the movie as a main guy. I also really liked the supporting roles of the guys employed by the Captain; they both have played similar roles in television and other films that fit those kind of characters very well and are a lot of fun.Now, to the film itself... Okay, this DEFINITELY is not rocket science by any stretch of the imagination. BUT... And it is a very BIG BUT like Mariah Carey's... I was quite impressed with the overall atmosphere, pacing, and look of the film. The exterior shots of the helicopter and the ship are quite nice; which then is unfortunately balanced out by the extremely silly CG toward the end (not giving anything away, but you WILL have to take the ending visuals with about a pound of salt...) And, to be honest, not a whole hell of a lot really happens or is explained (Uh, kinda like the CG I was talking about at the end; it's like, 'HUH...???!') But again, for just a fun and somewhat scary ride, it's an enjoyable film, definitely worth more than the 4.x it has now.This is NOT a work of art here. But, if you are not terribly demanding and you kinda like the haunted ship / Bermuda Triangle kind of thing, then you should have some fun with it. (Now, just a strong plug here for those of you who particularly DO like those kind of stories. You absolutely HAVE to see the movie 'TRIANGLE'!!! FAR more weighty and clever than this film, it is probably one of the very best of it's kind, especially if you also like your mind heavily and mercilessly screwed with : )

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From the way Lost Voyage sound and looks, it looks like two movies fused together, and the two movies are The Triangle and Ghost Ship. Lost Voyage is not bad, not bad, at all. Lost Voyage stars a great cast, featuring Lance Henriksen and Judd Nelson. The movie involved a cruise ship called the "Corona Queen.", which disappeared in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle. After 25 years, the ship returns. But, the ship did not returns..... alone. On board, seven people will encountered evil forces and spirits on the Corona Queen. Lost Voyage plays it out like a ordinary haunted house movie. This movie is a scary, yet creepy version of Ghost Ship, As for UFO Pictures, this is a modern good, well-directed horror movie that dares you to venture onto the haunted cruise ship alone. The movie is not jam-packed with clichés, but also developed a intense atmosphere and that atmosphere is stays in it's own place as the picture ventures into the heart of darkness on the ship. Lost Voyage has some good performances from Lance Henrikson and Judd Nelson. As haunted ship movies goes, Lost Voyage is a good one. ★★★ 3 stars.

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This movie was one of my best horror movies not because its scary but also for its location.The director has made an excellent job by making this kind of a movie .Two thumbs up.I am giving this movie 9 out of 10 because in the middle of this movie i felt little bit bored otherwise movie was awesome .As far as acting is concerned all of them does justice to their roles specially actor of this movie .He was looking quite serious to get job done.If you are a horror movie lover you really go for this movie. I assure it wont disappoint you .Highly recommended.

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well, rent this film only after you've seen every other horror film in your video store. even then, consider expanding your tastes to as many other genres as you can before returning to lost voyage. still tempted? how about picking up a nice book, or going out with your friends, or perhaps simply hammering your genitals to a board with an old nail?why do i do this to myself? why did i think that anything good could come out of a made-for-the-tube film about a ghost ship starring judd "washed-up-since-1985" nelson? you know why? session 9. i blame session 9. every now and then, after sifting through the ever-thinning ranks of my olde video store i decide to rent a movie that screams "complete loser" in hopes that it turns out to be somewhere between "mildly loserish" and "ok". and sometimes, just sometimes, one of these low expectation picks turns out to be a bit of a winner, like session 9. well, the makers of this film (and my video store) can thank david caruso's scrawny white ass, because session 9 restored my faith that not all obscure low-budget horror films are stupid and brainless despite all the alarm bells that sound when you read the box.unfortunately lost voyage IS stupid and brainless, a cheeseball excuse for a bunch of roughly sketched characters to run around the corridors of a ship accompanied by a relentless horror movie soundtrack. sure, it's got its jump-out-at-ya moments, but so does my fridge after i forget about a half-eaten ham-n-cheese sandwich that's been sitting in the back for a week or three.it's just that the plot is so lazy. there is so much that could have been done with the bermuda triangle yet they way lamed out. um, so, mr. writer-directory-guy, what's your theory on the triangle? "well, it's a gateway to HELL!" so, where have all the people on the ship gone... "well, they've been sucked into HELL"! so, um, why has the ship reappeared? "well, there was this storm, just like when it disappeared, so it came back... back from HELL"! alright, but why is the ship trying to off all these weak-ass characters now it's returned? "well, it's collected all this evil energy because, well because, well, of course it wants to off everybody it's been in HELL"!damn i wish i could get a few paycheques for coming up with brilliant plotting like that.ok, vented enough. goodnight.

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