Log Jammed
Log Jammed
| 19 April 1959 (USA)
Log Jammed Trailers

Woody Woodpecker gets into a mêlée with a lumberjack in the north woods. When the woodchopper chops down Woody's tree.


Was very fond of Woody Woodpecker and his cartoons as a child. Still get much enjoyment out of them now as a young adult, even if there are more interesting in personality cartoon characters and better overall cartoons.That is in no way knocking Woody, because many of his cartoons are a lot of fun to watch and more and also still like him a lot as a character. He's fun enough and isn't obnoxious, but this is not the manic Woody of his early cartoons. Woody tended to be toned down in personality in comparison at this point, and he is pretty subdued here. He has had funnier and more interesting opponents than the one in 'Log Jammed'.'Log Jammed' has a few amusing moments, but the timing lacks zip and the laughs are too far and between. Never rising above mildly amusing. The story is flimsy and at times repetitive, too much of the action veers on the obvious.It is the animation that fares least in 'Log Jammed', which was not unexpected. Time and budget constraints shows in some of the animation, which is a little rushed looking in the drawing and detail wise it's on the simplistic and careless side like many of Woody's cartoons from this period continuing through to the 60s.On the other hand, the music however is bouncy, energetic and very lushly orchestrated, not only synchronising and fitting with the action very well but enhancing it.Some of the cartoon is amusing and the ending is a pretty nice touch, quite different compared to the rest. The voice work is solid, with Grace Stafford continuing to prove why she was the best voice actor for the character and the one that understood him the most.All in all, not a bad cartoon but there isn't really the desire to see it again. 5/10 Bethany Cox

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