Living Out Loud
Living Out Loud
R | 30 October 1998 (USA)
Living Out Loud Trailers

Judith Moore is suddenly single after discovering her husband of fifteen years, a successful doctor, has been having an affair with a younger woman. Judith stews, plans, plots and fantasizes, but she can't decide what to do with her life until she goes out to a night club to see singer Liz Bailey, who is full of advice on life and love. While out on the town, Judith is suddenly kissed by a total stranger, which opens her eyes to new possibilities... which is when she notices Pat, the elevator operator in her building.


It's funny; I go to see quite a few movies, but rarely buy them. I made an exception for this one because it resonated with me at a number of different levels, and I gain insights into the story and plot each time I see it.The music is excellent (the soundtrack is a stand-alone work of art), and there are some wickedly funny scenes that actually made me laugh out loud (the other LOL). But then there is a sobering backdrop of reality that makes the lead characters more realistic.Unlike some other commentators, I think the fantasy scenes are crucial because they force you to slow down and take a closer look at things that would ordinarily go by in a blur.

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I saw this film back in 1998 when it was released, and I must say that to this day, it remains the most resonant, most joyous and most uplifting film I've ever seen. The fact that the vastly thick movie-going public didn't embrace this film is just a mere testament to how great it was. (I guess they all loved "Armaggedon"!) The complaint about a weak storyline is completely unfounded. Who hasn't had obstacles to overcome in life and love and yes, divorce is a huge obstacle! Writer/director Richard LaGravenese understood this and actually fashioned his film out of real life, not fabrication. His character Judith (Holly Hunter) is a real flesh-and-blood woman going through the painful trial of divorce from an insensitive, callous jerk and struggles with loneliness and sorrow. She is also a woman of wants and desires and a certain unfortunate taste in bad men and also prone to fantasy. Who doesn't know anyone like that? Enter Pat (superbly played by Danny DeVito), an elevator man in an upscale building who is largely ignored and mistreated by the snobs in that building, until Judith (who also lives there) takes the time to get to know him. He has marital problems and gambling problems. Who doesn't? Then there's Liz, (the sultry Queen Latifah) the nightclub jazz singer who puts up a front on stage and off, until she learns to be a little more human to her fan base. Talented people are often misunderstood or lopped in with the nasty snobs. Who hasn't had a similar negative encounter with a person you admire? ****SPOILER ALERT**** One of the biggest and trickiest risks that LaGravenese took was not to make Hunter and DeVito's characters obvious targets for romance and that they didn't fall in love with each other. I'm actually glad that he took a strong realistic approach to the material as opposed to the glossed-over Hollywood treatment. These were real people in real situations, not cardboard cutouts in search of a plot.All in all, LaGravenese (who's work such as "THE FISHER KING", "THE REF" and "A LITTLE PRINCESS" I've admired) tells his story with plenty of humor, sadness, wit, anger, sass, and plenty of music. Latifah's powerful voice was a sign of things to come for this talented artist. Though she didn't receive a nomination for this film, it's clear she was noticed. In fact, all involved moved on to bigger and better things since, so no sense crying about it.I like the fact that it's in my DVD collection to enjoy over and over again. Hopefully you will too.

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The movie focuses on Judy (Hunter) dealing with her post divorce life. I think Judy was supposed have some problems/complexities to her that would make the audience feel some sympathy for her. But, for me I just found her to be unlikeable. The movie crawls in spots, seeming to have no point to the actions on the screen. I was looking at my watch before the movie was 1/2 over, hoping as each scene wound down, the credits would start to roll.

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This is a lovely "feelgood" movie! Tender and engrossing with just the right kind of music to suit it....its a film about coming to terms with loss...enjoying life and enjoying sex....I loved it...and I don't know who is more sexy....Danny De Vito or Holly Hunter....though probably the enchanting lady jazz singer steals the show.....and the scene at the all night dance club was a show-stopper!!! Deserves at least an 8 out of 10.

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