Lightning Bug
Lightning Bug
PG-13 | 09 April 2004 (USA)
Lightning Bug Trailers

In this drama thriller set in the South, a young boy named Green (Bret Harrison) longs to escape his unhappy life but feels trapped in his hometown. A gifted special-effects makeup artist, Green has big dreams of working in Hollywood. But the boy's personal demons -- a drunken, abusive stepfather, a group of religious zealots out to destroy his work and the love of a girl who prefers small-town life -- may stand in the way of his dreams.


Lightning Bug is above all a great movie. It possesses many aspects of real life and the hardships people face. One thing very unique about the movie is that it sends you through constant emotions; funny, strange, happy, scared, depressed, and mellow. The acting is above all, excellent and the actors and actresses involved possess one thing many other movies don't possess, truth and a surreal reality. By the end of the movie, you feel a different emotion for each character and something as if you knew each person personally. The use of a real-time effect takes you through the movie with ease and emotion. Although the movie is only so long it feels as if you were a part of dealing with each characters hardships especially, Bret Harrison's. Another point to point out is that the selection of music is overly perfect. Kevn Kinney seems to add to the relative tone of the movie and the desolation of a life in Alabama. By the end of seeing the movie you really notice the subtle acting emotions that truly and utterly add to the realism of each scene and moment. Truth be told, the underlying message of the whole movie is: Follow your dreams no matter where they take you, perservation and determination are key in part to everything you dream of and want in life. No dream is out of reach and no dream requires one to give up all fun and past time, but in truth the unique blend of both make each one of us, who we are and determine where we go, stay true and close to your dreams but always remember two things; never forget where you came from and never forget how you got there.

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Claudio Carvalho

I bought this imported DVD misguided in its genre. I was expecting a horror movie, based on the cover of the DVD, and the sentence: "The Most Frightening Monsters Are All Around Us" highlighted in the back. However, "Lightning Bug" is a powerful coming-to-age suspenseful drama, with an excellent direction and acting. It is difficult to highlight individual performances, since I would be unfair with this stunning cast. However, the sick and disgusting devoted character of Ms. Duvet, magnificently played by Shannon Eubanks, irritated me with her hypocrite life and behavior. The Region 1 DVD has a beautiful package and many features, but unfortunately it does not have English subtitles or closed caption. The accent of some characters of this small Alabama town where the story takes place is quite difficult to be understood by a foreigner, and I lost some words along the story. My vote is seven.Title (Brazil): "Not Released"

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Very cool first time film from Robert Hall. Great performances from Bret Harrison (as I still am bummed about the cancellation of one of my fav TV sitcoms, that he was on Grounded For Life) as the main character Green Graves, ateen with a great talent for making models & for doing very realistic make-up of monsters & blood- n- gore. However, due to the fact that he lives in hillbilly land Alabama & his mom, played very good by the always awesome Ashley Laurence ( who was so amazing in 2 of my all-time fav's, Hellraiser 1 & 2) as a down on her luck very slow-witted trailer-trash mom who against her better judgement has a relationship with a terrible, white-trash mean m@#3#3f^&*&&r who is just one step away from beating her & her 2 kids to death & he also has to contend with the religious fanatics in the town, namely the character of Mrs Duvey played by Shannon Eubanks , who gives a great performance this side of the mom in Carrie, as a woman hell-bent on doing the Lord's Work & carrying & loving her pillow, who she thinks is her absent husband who left her holy-rolling ass for a stripper. Also good was Laura "That 70's Show" Prepon as Green's girlfriend & the young boy Lucas Til who plays Green's little bro. Was billed as a horror film.But it isn't. Horror fans will like it as it has a lot of horroresque material but this film isn't a horror film. But, it is something very special. *** out of ****

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Really enjoyed this flick! Wonderfully shot, excellent cast. A bit dark, but plenty of humor and drama mixed in. Green (Brett Harrison) is a great lead character and his acting was fantastic. The whole cast did a wonderful job bringing the characters to life. Some were downright hilarious! Uncle Marvin (Don Gibb) had to be my favorite. Totally over the top and outrageous. Really loved the way the story wrapped. Unpredictable and original. Some of the lines were so funny, I laughed out loud. Some moments so heartbreaking, it made me tear up. I love a good independent film and this is one of the best I have seen in a long time!

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