Lightning: Bolts of Destruction
Lightning: Bolts of Destruction
PG | 08 November 2003 (USA)
Lightning: Bolts of Destruction Trailers

A meteorologist and her family work feverishly to find a way to extinguish a storm that threatens to destroy mankind.


I was a little put off right at the beginning when the movie jumps right into the story with not even a bit of introduction. That was followed by a story that was entirely unoriginal combined with the fact that to me at least it didn't seem to flow very well. The acting was at best OK; the performances from a little known cast a little too wooden in my opinion. The basic storyline - the earth being threatened by massive lightning storms that somehow threaten the start of a new ice age, with the climatologist Valery (Joana Pacula) being the only person who understands what's happening, but who can't convince anyone in authority of it - had some potential, but was burdened with the introduction of far too many "soap opera" elements. The most obvious of these was the entirely superfluous subplot, which was never well developed anyway, about the return of Valery's sister from prison. The science was also pretty weak. Everything seems to happen in a matter of a few hours, which seemed far too short a time to devise a solution for the storms and then to implement the solution, and then there was the reference to the last ice age having begun "about 2 million years ago." What? As far as I know the last ice age began about 100,000-120,000 years ago and lasted for about 100,000 years. Not a very good movie at all - but I have seen worse. 2/10

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this movie is too melodramatic at times and gets bogged down in dialogue and subplots that don't really advance the story,in my opinion.the acting is not bad,especially from Noel Fisher who plays Jeremy Landis,the teenage son of the lead female character Dr.Valery Landis(Joanna Pacula)a weather specialist.there is at least 1 positive thing about the movie,and that is the scenes involving the lightning storms.the effects are fairly well done, int his regard.i certainly didn't hate this movie,but i do wish it had focused more on the storm aspect than the family kind of felt like 1 of those 'Lifetime' channel movies.if you don't mind that kind of movie,then you will probably like this 1.if not,you might want to avoid it.i'd have to say this movie is average,so 5/10 seems fair.

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I thought Cabin Boy was the worst movie I had seen, until this one. Manquito was even better. This movie was made according to the disaster movie formula to the letter. One person figures out the danger, antagonist too worried about money or career to heed warning. Doesn't even heed warning not to go outside. In the middle of the disaster the heroine tells her son, "You are adopted and oh, by the way, the world is about to end." The ending is very predictable. The acting is terrible and so is the plot.And the craziest thing in the movie is that the fighter pilots for the US air force look like they are wearing storm trooper costumes from Star Wars. But, I did learn that there is positive lightning and negative lightning.

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Jacob Grades

Lightning: Bolts of Destruction is a film made for television in special effects wise. The story line is one that you see in most weather movies. It's the dark side of nature at its brightest. The movies links the past with the future and the present on different planets. It's a must see for any weather fan.

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