Les Miserobots
Les Miserobots
| 20 March 1968 (USA)
Les Miserobots Trailers

Inspector Clouseau's job is declared obsolete by the Surete Commissioner due to a highly advanced robot that can do detective work more efficiently. A vengeful Clouseau tries to destroy the robot that usurped his position in the police force.

Robert Reynolds

This is an Inspector short from Depatie-Freleng. There will be spoilers ahead:The Inspector loses his job to a robot and decides that the only way to get his job back is by getting rid of the robot. That's pretty much all there is to this one.Everything The Inspector tries is a failure, mostly as a combination of his incompetence and the effectiveness of the robot. The gags are pretty standard and a tad predictable. Clouseau just isn't much of a nemesis for his replacement.The robot does his job so well that there are other far reaching consequences, equally predictable. The ending of the short is the best gag in the whole thing.This short is available on DVD on one of the two The Inspector DVDs which showcase all 34 of the shorts in the series. The DVDs are well worth getting.

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