It's not the first time Boileau-Narcejac's thriller has been transferred to the screen;first version was called "entangled" (1993) by Max Fisher ,and ,in spite of a good performance by Pierce Brosnan as Garavan,this flick did not do the two masters of suspense justice,two men who were responsible for "vertigo" and "les Diaboliques" all the same! This modest MTV WORK sets the record straight:it's faithful as a dog to the novel which was called " les Veufs" (the widowers) and became "Les Amants Naufragés" (maroooned lovers)which makes sense cause it's the name of the book which the hero writes and that work plays a prominent part in the novel ;actually in the last part -which is the best in the novel- truth becomes stranger than fiction;the only difference between Boileau-Narcejac's story and the script lies in the fact that in the latter,the hero understands why Garavan hates him and urges him to commit suicide.An ending you'll find it hard to guess even if Mathilde gives you a clue (watch out!).Fine performance by Robinson Stevenin as a young man eaten with jealousy who brings death and destruction to all people he encounters ;a nod to Clouzot's "les Diaboliques" when Mathilde has a bath and scares her husband!
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