Leo the Lion: King of the Jungle
Leo the Lion: King of the Jungle
| 20 July 1994 (USA)
Leo the Lion: King of the Jungle Trailers

Leo is the lion king of the jungle, but unfortunately he doesn't know well what a king's job is. He believes it is his right to do as he pleases, even if it means disrupting the peace of others or being plain rude to them, as a king, Leo thinks everyone should look out for his well-being and comfort. One day, Leo meets a lion cub named Tooey whose mother has been recently taken away and who comes to Leo for help, being as selfish as he is, Leo turns the young lion away. However, after several different adventures, Leo learns what his place as a king is and how he must behave and treat the creatures who have almost lost all faith in him. Leo rallies the jungle animals to the rescue, and in the epilogue, the narrator Michael Donovan says that Leo asked Tooey's mother to be his queen, and the cub himself grew into a strong young lion, now called Leo II and one day he would be the Jungle King.


This movie was very poorly done. The animation was awful, and painful to watch, often repeating the same frames over and over and over and over...O_o Then the music is horrible, and the lyrics don't rhyme very well.Characters are not developed well, and vocal talent definitely could be better.'Tui' sounds screechy, and gets hard to listen to, especially in his song. Leo's song had some potential. But it dissipated in the strange lyrics. All in all, I would give it a nothing. But since I have to give it something, I say 1 star out of 10.

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The faults of this film are many. For starters, what could have been an interesting story was completely wrecked by bad delivery. The animation is choppy and the timing is badly directed to the point of confusing rather than supporting the story. Long pauses and unnecessary scenes contort the plot until it takes physical effort to sit and watch. Vocal talent is OK, but the voices are wasted on mediocre music writing and weird songs: songs memorable only for their strange lyrics. And while the music is bad, the sound effects are horrible!All in all, this movie isn't worth the money it costs or the time it takes to watch it. I can imagine really, really little kids enjoying it some, but anyone older then 3 will find this movie extremely boring. Life is too short to waste it on things like this!

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Rick Hobson

Leo the Lion seems to have been released at a time when lions were "hot."The release date of this film coincides with the 1994 release of a redone "Kimba the White Lion" series on television, and of course The Lion King in theaters.In fact, The 1994 release of Kimba shares voice talent with Leo the Lion.I suggest that you simply find DVDs of Kimba from the 60's or view the 1997 theatrical release of Osamu Tezuka's Jungle Emperor Leo, which is also out on DVD and can be found on IMDb.A word of warning though. Jungle Emperor Leo, although animated, is probably not for younger children.

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Some of the best children's stories are not on Nickelodeon or in published in Highlights, but hiding in the darkest corners of run-down movie stories. Leo the Lion is a perfect example of this. Even though I was already around seven or eight when I had the pleasure of first seeing this movie, it instantly became one of my favorites. Today that copy is sitting on my dresser, almost broken from being played so much.The title character is a lion king who doesn't care one bit for the animals he's supposed to be in charge of ("We demand your attention!" "Or your resignation!") He's happier just to lay around in the sun and steal from weaker animals. And to top it all off, he's too stupid to notice that animals are going missing. Sounds like George W. Bush turned into a big cat.Naturally, kiddie movie protocol demands a cute little kid to get through to the big guy. And in this case, it comes in the form of a lion cub (strangely, his mother never named him. Leo eventually starts calling him Tooie.) He's left to fend for himself when his mother is captured by poachers to be sold to a circus and it's then that he meets Leo. Long story short, he wins the king over and they plan to free all the animals that where captured, all the while teaching Leo about being kind to others. And stuff.The plot? Predictable. The villains? Beyond cliché. But that's to be expected and Leo the Lion really is a sweet story. In fact, it has a good share of moments that deserve an "awwww!" With his big sad eyes, strange chocolate points, and the fact that his life sucks, Tooie is downright adorable. I wish I knew who did his voice...they're very, very good. So is Leo's, if a tad overboard with the gruffness.Quite possibly the best thing about this movie is the music. Leo the Lion has an incredible soundtrack for a low-budget, made for children under six. The opening theme is just plain catchy and I dare you not to tap your toes to it. The second is sung by Tooie post-orphaning but pre-Leo, when he's alone and desperately trying to take care of himself...he sounds so genuinely heartbroken. The third is the "Hey, audience! Leo's changed! He's a nice guy now! See? See? See?" It's not as good as the other two but not at all unlikable.Leo the Lion is not Disney by any means. In fact, it must be viewed as what it is--a short movie meant to entertain a few kids--to be enjoyed. But I think it's a sweet little gem of a movie that, as well as its intended purpose, can easily put a smile on the face of adults. It's a shame more people don't know about it.

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