| 22 August 2001 (USA)
Layover Trailers

An airport affair of a business man turns into a nightmare when it turns out that the woman is married to a dangerous jewelry dealer.

Mei-Ling Tan

Wow! I just finished watching "Layover" and it was indeed a very enjoyable film. If you like good, made for TV style thrillers, then I think you will enjoy this film. Yvonne Scio is very beautiful while David Hasselhoff gives a fine performance (not sure why there are so many naysayers here putting his acting skills down as he was very good) and Gregg Henry was perfect in his role. Although the storyline is improbable, it has great twists and and turns which at times will have you at the edge of your seat (well this viewer definitely was!). It is not your average thriller as some here suggest but a good, action packed movie that is sure to entertain."Layover" gets my thumbs up!

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SERIOUS SPOILERS AHEAD! Layover is the sort of film you catch once in a while when your not looking for it. I caught this film late at night on C5, and started watching it because I saw David Hasslehoff was in it. That guy cracks me up, just his name is kind of comical. The film itself is a pretty good idea and should be a bit better than it is. Its a thriller with a lot of twists. A lot! Maybe a few too many. The plot is pretty fast paced which is good and keeps things moving so you don't have to sit through any especially boring bits. It tells the story of businessman Dan Morrison (hasslehoff), who is paranoid that his wife is cheating on him and then goes and cheats on her at the airport with a woman who walks up to him and essentially says: lets go! This happens out of town in San Francisco during a layover, hence the title. There is a hilarious scene after Dan makes love to the woman at the airport. He stands up and puts on his glasses and they are cracked. The Hoff's expression is priceless. Shortly after though is the beginning of my issues about this film. I thought it would be pretty unlikely that Dan would accompany the other couple to dinner 10 minutes after sleeping with the wife. Also the bad guys rely heavily on Dan being co-operative. All it takes is for him to say no at any stage to just one of their requests of which there are many throughout the evening, then the plan is foiled. There is a scene in the car where Vicky says that she can't believe that she is doing this (leaving her husband) and Dan says: neither can I! Well, I'm not sure the audience can either Dan.Even letting all this slide, maybe Dan is just a bit gullible, there is still trouble with the plot. To justify the various wild twists in the story there are a few loose ends that never get tied up. And the wife turning out to be part of it all at the end was a bit much. And if she was all part of it, why did she kill Jack. She was obviously deranged. Also the diamond motive at the end is weak. All these people went to so much trouble for some diamonds. Sheesh, it would have been easier and quicker to rob a bank surely! I don't really hold all this realism stuff against it though because you can pick apart a lot of movies! Overall Layover is a good enough action thriller. Fans of Hoff will love it and its still worth a watch even if you don't love him. Its a comfy film to watch, so catch it if its on.

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Considering his Age, the Hoff looks okay in this hi-tech thriller. Pity the same can't be said for co-star Yvonne Scio. Whilst the former lad's favourite had the poise and certainly injected a bit of much needed glamour, it can hardly be said that the heart was there to match the smile. Indeed, I have seen more elbow grease in a broken elbowed (both elbows) shrew. As for Gregg Henry (Jack Gillardo), I have seen more eroticism in a nervous shrew being watched by his shrew mother. don't get me wrong, the basic premise was good. Erotic terrorist espionage thrillers are far too thin on the ground at the moment. Too thin by five, six. Eight!While it's a shame to see any character, esp. (especially) one played by the Hoff, indulging in extramarital activities (dirty rudeness with sexwomen), I had to enjoy the tastefully shot scenes between Hoff and Scio. He even broke his glasses!The performance of Lane offered little other than the pedestrian titillation of a boy in a man's world. Besides his slight, and less than occasional aversions to the benign, he showed as much individuality as a pack shrew in a field of pack shrews.Basically, whilst the actors tried desperately to make the most of a bad lot, even the Hoff couldn't salvage this dead wreckage.

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David Hasselhoff. I've never understood why he's so beloved worldwide. He can't act, sing or dance (as one unintentionally hilarious scene oof him at a rave displays). Now comes Layover. This movie has to be seen to be believed. To call this a B-Movie would be an insult to the alphabet. For me, this movie is the funniest 90 minutes I have ever spent. I have seen many great comedies, but none had me on the verge of having a seizure from an overload of laughter. The first 30 minutes of the plot is actually good. It almost reaches Mamet "Heist and Con" territory. The rest is just a sleazy, violent, incredibly awful, accidentally funny movie experience. SPOILER ALERT: Check out some of the dialogue (I know them from memory, as I've seen this movie 3 times now):DAN (Hasselhoff): "I'm so scared, I've got my balls coming up to my lungs."Jack GiLardo (supremely mysoginstic, evil guy who goes against Dan): (to Dan) "Not a bad day's work, Danny Boy. Escaping from the cops and finding me. You've got more gonads than I thought."SEXY GIRL speaking to Dan after having slept with him and then conned him twice: "I bet the last time you've been F*#$ked three times in 12 hours was in college."Dan Responds:"Not even then."OKAY JUST ONE MORE, HAHAHA:Dan, speaking to a beautiful temptress that has supremely conned him: (describing himself) "A guy so nice, you f*&^ked him twice." -- it rhymes, get it? Well, Hasselhoff is an acclaimed lyricist/songwriter.A SEX SCENE also appears in it, although it is filmed so awkwardly that a guy watching would be almost disturbed. What went wrong in this scene? The girl is pretty. An Italian model in real life. Could it be the fact that she and David Hasselhoff have sex on top of strange peoples luggage in some storage room? Or could it because she nearly falls off him at one point while unsuccessfully attempting to straddle him?PRICELESS. I just can't get enough of this. This one has to make it to the bottom 100. And the greatest thing is that on German, the movie has received an average customer rating of 5,yes, count 'em up, 5 stars. That's the highest rating? Germans just love the guy. But I'm not dumping the Germans here, cuz some Americans I know enjoyed this too. They found it unpredictable and edgy! That sounds like a razor blade to me and getting sliced with it would be half as painful as watching this.Anyone who loves campy and supremely hilarious yet unintentional comedies, please rent this.Let me also point out the the "autuer" of this crap fest is Alan B. McElroy. This guy got a screenwriting masters degree from Columbia University. IVY LEAUGE! This could have been penned better by a drunk donkey. He also wrote the Spawn script. That was decent. I'll give the guy some slack.I found this at my local Blockbuster. They carry a vhs and dvd version of it, but they don't have "Night of the Hunter" or "Rashomon." The world is coming to an end people.

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