I've seen a ton of indy horror flicks and this one ranks pretty low. You don't expect much out of most low budget films, but there is just no tension in this movie. There is seriously nothing happening for the first hour and ten minutes of this hour and a half film. No one dies, the "creature" (for lack of a better word) doesn't show up, nothing. Just a bunch of people talking about... well, nothing. It's as if you spied on a group of campers and listened in on their conversation for an hour or so. It goes nowhere. Just a bunch of talk about sex, food and booze. I can't imagine that there was an actual script because the dialog sounded made up and didn't even push the story along or help you understand anything beyond the surface of the cliched characters. There are so many plot holes and questions that make you wonder why the filmmakers never even tried to address any them. For example, why does a virgin girl clearly in her thirties need her mother's permission to go to the lake with her forty year old boyfriend? Why is this "creature" just killing random people, what's his motive? Why is everybody so cryptic and avoid just coming out and telling people why they shouldn't go to the lake, even when they're asked a direct question? And lastly, why are there multiple close up shots of the generic beers they're drinking? This was a film that might have been good if it was cut down to a 10-15 minute short. There's just not enough story or character development for a feature. A few boob shots and ten minutes of killing at the end isn't worth the hour and a half running time.
... View Moresummer fun with nudity , gore and great monster makeup , this film is indie horror fun slow in places butoverall a good film. this film is in the vein ofsharknado in that spoofy sense it pokes fun atitself and makes no apologies. my favorite scenesare the steamy tent sex scene the death scenes and any scene with the monster. this film is pureenjoyment but only for the hardcore indie fan. you can fun with a film like this but just have to go with it it was a lot of fun for me and I think most will like it
... View Morea good film that does leave me feeling a little short but a good film to sit at home and take it for what it is. I felt as if it were a low budget film I would not give give a film like this a 10 if it were a studio picture but for low budget indie it had the nudity,and awesome monster makeup I have seen studio films that did not have as good a look as this it had all the elements even if they did not work perfectly definitely worth a rental. I have done shorts and films over the years so I understand the effort that goes into just getting a film made. most critics have never made a film let alone a short so I do get a little annoyed with hypercritical people but when you make a film thats what you sign up for. hope you guys keep making films , next time I will expect more though ;)
... View Morereally enjoyed this film was not too scary and was low budget but fun just FYI its unrated for a reason primarily the sex, nudity and violence.It is slow in places and I thought the monster make up was good. it is just a bare bones film but worth seeing. There are some really hot actresses I like the girl who played Nina the best she had a very unique accent. PS I read some of the critics reviews WTF its a low budget feature they probably did it on a shoe string nothing more annoying than people who wont ever make a film complaining about peoples hard work oh well I would be bitter too if I lived in my moms basement. :)
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