Kung Fu Elliot
Kung Fu Elliot
| 17 January 2014 (USA)
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The bizarre story of Elliot "White Lightning" Scott, who plans on becoming Canada's first action hero with his low-budget karate epic, Blood Fight. This surreal documentary captures two years in the lives of a passionate amateur filmmaker, his supportive partner Linda Lum, and their cast and crew of outrageous dreamers - all striving to achieve success.


Most viewers seem to sort of dislike this flick for one of two reasons. Either it's because they don't like Elliot or because they can't place it in a category. The first reason is like dismissing "Das Boot" or "Schindler's List" b/c you don't like Nazis and the second is sadly the prominent reason why a lot of awesome movies get bad reviews. Everybody love's the Godfather as it is obviously a gangster movie - but Science of Sleep - hmm - is it a drama, or a comedy, is it a dream, is it real?At the end of the day it's pretty simple - it's a portrait. And b/c this portrait was filmed over a longer period it starts to develop into directions the director probably didn't anticipate. Elliot is - as destructive and deceptive as he may be - an interesting subject to be placed under the looking glass - like an ugly insect for example - pretty interesting to watch as a matter of fact. It's truly fascinating to see him clash with reality. And for that purpose the director does a great job - it really couldn't be done any better in my opinion - hence 10/10.You might also enjoy:The Jinx (super-unlikeable) Beltracchi (super-likeable) Point and Shoot (super-likeable) When Louis met Saville (super-unlikeable)---I do have to say so that I feel also kind of sorry for Elliot and that this movie to some extent severely damaged his freedom. He is a manipulative and deceptive person - but he didn't directly harm anybody and his focus was on adults who should have simply known better. Realistically speaking for every liar there is somebody who actively wants to believe lies ... to some extent he's the embodiment of a tragic character from a Wes Anderson movie.

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How this piece of garbage ended up on Netflix is one of the biggest mysteries in the known universe.It is some kind of amateurish documentary/comedy. But it is not fun at any moment. I gave it like 10 minutes.... don't ask me why. I then forwarded a bit around and it is just same crap everywhere.Checked on IMDb and none implicated in this "movie" has made anything else since 2014, I think that is a blessing. THough I hope they had fun making the movie.Here is the missing lines I need to write to make this review public. 1-2-3 here comes the cat and jump in the bag

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Within ten minutes it was fairly obvious that this was a mockumentary in a similar deadpan style to those of Christopher Guest, crossed with some improv in the vein of Curb Your Enthusiasm.If the film-makers had attempted to keep it more within the bounds of possibility I feel it would have been more successful but I enjoyed the attempt nevertheless - as the film progressed believability was sacrificed for wackiness and holes in the stories that gave the game away that this was not, in fact, a documentary - I have a feeling this was deliberately referenced late on in proceedings when the filmmakers "interviewed" Elliot's put-upon girlfriend Linda, about the nature of documentary, with the fabrications of Elliot in regards to his past being linked to the fabrication of this film and documentaries as an entire genre.I should note that very early on Elliot refers to Jean-Claude Van Damme as being French when he is in fact Belgian - this may have been part of his character's lack of depth in understanding but it was the first flag for me that made question this being a 'documentary'.

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It's hard to write about Kung Fu Elliot because its best to watch with zero expectations and as little information as possible. At least, that's how I feel as I attended a screening at Hot Docs in Toronto solely based on bumping into the sweet and friendly filmmakers at an Industry function and wanting to support their screening as a thank you for extending themselves to me in an otherwise awkward social situation. As an indie filmmaker myself, I soon found myself laughing out loud at the outrageous claims of the main doc subject, DYI filmmaker and self-proclaimed marital arts expert Elliot Scott. However, I was not laughing entirely AT the self-diluted doc subjects low in talent while high in ambition as I was also identifying in a half-cringing fashion as my own cinematic attempts share some significant territory with this motley crew of dreamers in Halifax. If you love satire, off-the-wall documentary subjects and are up for sharing a wacky 2 year journey with the filmmakers Jaret and Matt you will be well rewarded by this film. I have to leave it there-- NO SPOILER ALERT. This is no wonder this Canadian Doc is being compared to sleeper hit Catfish.

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