Kiss Me Killer
Kiss Me Killer
| 31 March 1977 (USA)
Kiss Me Killer Trailers

A deadly look into the savage world of gangsters. The aftermath of a holdup turns into a game of deceit and doublecross. A vengeful woman brings about the destruction of the entire gang of ruthless killers.


Although Jess Franco was allegedly a big jazz enthusiast, he seemed to rely on what would now be called porn music more than anything else (and heck, with his subject matter, that might not be uncalled for). I was very pleased to hear the score in this film (courtesy of Daniel White) which is very jazzy, very fast-paced, and keeps the suspense going.I am also glad to see this is more of a thriller and not one of Franco's sex romps (poorly) disguised as a horror film. Which is not to say it is not a sex romp disguised as a thriller -- we cannot simply ignore the scene of same-sex butt-licking. Though I would say it is not as poorly hidden; there is actually a real story here.Worth checking out for those who think Franco cannot do anything right. This is definitely one of his better attempts.

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Kiss Me Killer (1974) ** (out of 4) Jess Franco's remake of his very own 007 Operation Jamaique is a film that offers quite a bit but I must admit that the story lost me. I'm not sure if it was the horrid English dubbing or what but I could never really catch on to what was going on for the most part. The film deals with drug smugglers, a Inspector (Paul Muller) and a stripper (Lina Romay) who is working undercover. Even though I wasn't able to follow the story, there's still quite a bit here that makes the film worth at least one viewing. For starters, there's a very steamy and erotic sex scene between Romay and Alice Arno, which ranks among Franco's best scenes of this type. Franco can open himself up to being bashed quite a bit but when it comes time to do an erotic scene then no one can top him. The highlight of the film has to be a sequence where Romay, working as the stripper, tries to get a nude statue aroused by licking around his certain areas. I think this is the greatest period for Romay and she turns in a good performance but it's certainly her beauty that takes over and delivers the goods. Daniel White's brilliant music score is the best thing about the movie and I think it ranks right up there with the best work of his career.

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Pierre-Alexandre Buisson

This Eurociné production of a Jesus Franco movie is centered around a nice little jazzy theme by Daniel White, and the idea isn't bad... A remake of Franco's LA MUERTE SILBA UN BLUES (aka 007 Opération Jamaïque), shot in the sixties, this one has a stunning cast composed of Jesus' regulars.The locations are gorgeous; it's hard not to be amazed by some of the shots and camera angles. Since Franco is no longer under the strict laws of censorship, the lascive scenes are multiplying, being maybe one of the low point of the movie. Alice Arno and miss Romay are sure a lot of fun to look at, but when erotism interfere with the storyline and slows it, it's a bit annoying.There is almost no humor here - apart from some of the dialogues and a surprising Franco cameo where he appears as a crazed guru shouting catastrophic predictions all around - and it's what makes the atmosphere interesting. Being used to see Olivier Mathot take off his pants in a flash, I couldn't help being puzzled by his stoned faced performance.The theme of the dead guy coming back to face his murder has been used many times by Franco - somehow eerily in VENUS IN FURS - and is almost banalised here. No one wonders how Freddy Carter he managed to survive.Echoes of other Franco movies surface here and there, particularly in a cabaret scene featuring Lina Romay and a statue, a scene which was later re-used in TENDER FLESH, involving the plastic Amber Newman instead.Overall a fascinating movie, with a lush jazzy score by Daniel White that perfectly fits the mood and pace of the film.

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