Killer Party
Killer Party
R | 09 May 1986 (USA)
Killer Party Trailers

Three sorority pledges are tasked with ensuring that the gals of Sigma Alpha Pi throw a killer party at an abandoned fraternity house. Unfortunately a vengeful spirit decides to take the killer epithet literally


"Killer Party" opens like no other horror/slasher movie ever. It's a good 9 minutes before the actual movie begins. The opening 9 minutes pull the rug out from under the viewer not once, but twice! These two opening segments did a fun job of jumping on the clichés of the time. Gotcha scares, drive-ins, and hair rock music videos routinely seen on MTV. It is an absolute blast. The actual movie tells the tale of three young women pledging to a sorority on campus. They have to go through the usual pledge/hazing shenanigans. Unfortunately, a party is to be held in an abandoned frat house, where a pledge was accidentally killed years before. It appears this pledge does not rest in peace, and the party-goers are about to find out the hard way."Killer Party" is a horror movie with a sense of humor. Not only the humor that is in the movie in itself, but the fact that the film knows what kind of movie it is, and has fun with it. The movie just has a sense of fun all around it. Great locations, 80s nostalgia in your face, and just enough eerie atmosphere here and there. It does slow down in some spots, but it isn't a concern. However, for a slasher/horror movie, the death scenes are relatively tame, and not all of them do we see for long or, in some cases, at all. No matter. The movie was written as a fun horror movie, and that's what we get. A horror movie with humor, standard slasher conventions, a taste of the supernatural, a dash of college hazing hi-jinks, and it's own music video! "Killer Party" really does seem to be the "Everything and the kitchen sink" horror movie.Overall rating: 7 out of 10.

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I really don't know where to start with this movie. I suppose the opening music video scene was kind of a gas. I mean if a movie opened like that today the audience would want to convict the filmmakers. So corny and cheesy you think your actually at that concession stand. Then there is the hot tub scene. Perhaps back in 1986 it was OK to toss a jar of angry hornets over a fence into the back yard of a sorority while the girls sit helpless in a hot tub then laugh and film them as they are stung repeatedly and run for cover. Or could it be just another bit of bad writing. I mean forget the fact that people can die from bee stings but the ridiculous manner in which it was portrayed leaves me just wondering why. Why after twenty years after I first watched this movie did I feel the need to watch it again? I like 80s horror, and while it might seem I'm being very hard on this movie, the fact is, I think I actually enjoy it. When I take myself out of my mature brain for the duration and focus on the adolescent kid that once worked at a video store that still lives deep inside me I find this movie makes me smile. It's like a frosted mini wheat. My serious, mature side picks apart the absurdities for unrealistic and shameful while my frosted side just can't stop loving a good cheese fest! Go ahead, ignore the obvious liberties the filmmakers took and just watch a bunch of college buffoons fumble about their sexuality, insecurities and fears and get slaughtered with good old fashioned practical special FX. (I still have my old VHS copy too).

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Tongue-in cheek horror Killer Party begins in perfect cheesy, 80s fashion with a 'film-within-a-film-within-a-music-video' pre-credits sequence that features a big-hair metal band named White Sister. It's a fun, silly and irresistibly daft opening to a film, but, unfortunately, it's also the best part of the whole affair, and has absolutely nothing to do with what follows!The bulk of this otherwise forgettable mess is a lame cross between Porky's and Hellnight, with a touch of the Exorcist thrown in for good measure. Elaine Wilkes, Sherry Willis-Burch, and Joanna Johnson star as Phoebe, Vivia and Jennifer, three girls desperate to become members of the exclusive Sigma Alpha Pi sorority. After suffering various humiliating rituals, the trio are accepted, and are given the task of organising a practical joke at the yearly April Fool's party (being held at an old abandoned frat house which is rumoured to be haunted).During the celebrations, however, an evil spirit interrupts the fun by turning Jennifer into a demonic, scuttling creature (complete with long tongue and a nice line in guttural noises) who proceeds to butcher the other party-goers.Although the possession at the end of the film does lend for some creepy scenes (with Jennifer crawling up vertical walls in a spider-like fashion), there are not nearly enough scares, and way too much silly student buffoonery (one fraternity plays a prank on the girls of Sigma Alpha Pi which results in some predictable gratuitous nudity), for Killer Party to be deemed a success.Perhaps if the studio hadn't seen fit to cut out the bloody effects that were filmed (apparently they expected more of a comedy than a horror, got cold feet when they saw the graphic gore, and excised the lot!), then maybe the film would've been more bearable, but in its severely trimmed form, Killer Party turns out to be a bit of a non-event.

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Boy, oh boy, this movie is a total mess. It tries to be a lot of things but almost misses every single mark. But what do you want if you mix-up parody/comedy, slasher/horror & a bit of demonic possession. Don't expect over the top situations like SCARY MOVIE, 'cause KILLER PARTY prefers to quietly rip-off certain movies instead of parody them openly.Story-line: On a university campus the Sigma Alpha Pi sisters decide to throw an April Fool's Day-party in an abandoned sorority building. Apparently, someone got killed twenty years ago in that same building...On a positive note, the filmmakers were sort of original by shooting three different opening scenes (We have a funeral-scene, which is part of a movie in a drive-in theatre, which is part of a music-video one of the main characters is watching in her livingroom). Now, it is when you witness the music-video (a Michael Jackson's THRILLER rip-off) that you realize you've just entered a really bad 80's movie and you will have a few good laughs while at it. Just look at the band ('White Sister'!?!?) featured in the videoclip. They've got spandex, bad hairdo's and they play bad 80's glammy hard-rock with lyrics like "April, why do you play the fool...?". I almost fell on the floor laughing.Then, this movie suddenly turns into a bad PORKY'S clone (yes, folks, there's nudity). We get some practical jokes amongst students, an initiation ritual in order to get our three lead female characters (Phoebe, Vivia & Jennifer) admitted to the Sigma Alpha Pi's, preparations for the party,... All this nonsense lasts for almost an hour and we only get two occasional bloodless killings (an old hag and a teacher).It is when the party finally starts that the filmmakers suddenly seem to realize that they were making a horror movie, so in comes the mysterious slasher/killer dressed in a ridiculous antique diving suit. He starts killing off people left and right, all off-screen (big let down!). We do get to see some dead bodies and body parts afterwards, but nothing special.In the end, our three leading girls are the only ones left standing. And it is at that point this movie suddenly becomes highly amusing. Jennifer becomes possessed (complete with Linda Blair contact lenses and a tongue that would make Gene Simmons jealous) and starts drooling, speaking with a distorted voice, climbing up walls and bursting through ceilings while chasing Vivia & Phoebe. Now, we do get some hints during the party scenes that something's wrong with Jennifer, but still the final climax comes as a surprise because it totally changes the mood of the film, reminding us a bit of NIGHT OF THE DEMONS, same atmosphere. So I had to give this movie an extra point for that.All in all this is a bad movie (especially the acting and the musical score) and normally I wouldn't recommend it. But if you're a fan of cheesy 80's slasher-movies, you might want to give it a try. Because, believe me, I've seen worse. Gorehounds, however, should stay away from this movie because of the lack of blood & gore. It's worth seeing for the climax in the end because of the entertaining performance of possessed cutie Joanna Johnson and some nice camera-work and fun effects (I loved it when the camera pulls up to Jennifer while doors are closing simultaneously in the background and she growls: "I've been waiting twenty years for this..."). If you like practical jokes in horror movies, you can also check out the more suspenseful slasher-movie APRIL FOOL'S DAY. Or if you'd like to see the ultimate in 80's campus horror, check out NIGHT OF THE CREEPS. Both movies are (though not really comparable) better than KILLER PARTY.

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