Kill Command
Kill Command
| 25 November 2016 (USA)
Kill Command Trailers

Set in a near future, technology-reliant society that pits man against killing machines. Against this backdrop an elite army unit is helicoptered to a remote, off-the-grid island training facility. What starts out as a simple training exercise for Captain Bukes and his tight-knit unit, descends into a terrifying battle to the death, as the marines discover the island is overrun by an enemy that transcends the human concept of evil.

Martin King

Echoing some of the other reviews on here I would say this is a surpringly enjoyable sci-fi film. It may not be particularly original, and as others have stated, the script is a bit ropey but for a film with a budget of only a million dollars it's got some high production values. It's a good way to waste an hour and a half of your time if you're looking for something "science-fictiony" to watch

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I don't write much but it was amazing. It has action, adventure, drama and very heavy syfi. It is a VERY dif movie that will keep you with you mouth open until the LAST second of the movie. It's a must see for each genre. Each one of the 4 genres is amazing!

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A sci-fi film with a low budget but the acting is good, the setting well thought out, and the SFX extremely good. The script is the only thing that lets this movie down, but really, compared to other films in this category, it's a masterpiece.I found it enjoyable - and that is, after all, the main point of watching a film like this.

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I wasn't expecting too much from "Kill Command" when I stumbled upon it on Netflix, expecting it to be your typical run of the mill low budget sci fi actioner. Well, I will admit that the movie did exceed my expectations, albeit in one area. That area being the look of the movie. The movie is well photographed, and the other production values are top notch, particularly the special effects depicting the homicidal robots the protagonists have to fight off.So what's the problem? Well, although the movie looks good, it does not give the viewer the feeling a movie like this needs to give. For starters, the movie is quite slow, particularly in the first thirty minutes. Although the movie picks up the pace slightly after that point, the movie makes a serious stumble with the action sequences that then unfold. The action simply isn't that involving. It feels routine at best, and you never feel the protagonists' peril or panic. Add in a far too long running time (100 minutes), the viewing experience ends up being somewhat of a lengthy slog.

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