Kettle of Fish
Kettle of Fish
| 15 October 2006 (USA)
Kettle of Fish Trailers

A lifelong bachelor confronts his intimacy issues when he sublets his apartment to a fetching biologist. His heartsick fish and his wise best buddy are on hand to provide perspective.


This is one of those movies that appears on cable at like two in the afternoon to entertain bored housewives while they iron. The acting is second rate. Poor Mathew Modine seems to sleepwalk through the whole film. And god help Gina Gershon. Her accent is too over the top. It sounds nothing like an true English woman. It sounds forced and phony, much like her acting. She should stick to what she does best, lesbian showgirl con-artist who plays in a rock & roll band and has a drug problem. The other characters are no better. They are two dimensional. empty, vapid and silly. How are we to supposed to care about these people. At one point Christy Scott Cashman get's lost in Central Park. Really? It's not that hard to navigate Central Park. Just follow any path out. Not only did I not care about ANY of the characters,I downright hated them. The only reason I even stayed with this train-wreck of a film was Fisher Stevens. Even his brilliant humor couldn't save this dying Fish. Each scene is typical romantic comedy fare and nothing is left to surprise us. The script was awful as was the acting. If you catch this Fish throw it back!

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Amy Adler

Mel (Matthew Modine) is an aging jazz musician in New York City. He is a "player" in the world of romance, too, zigzagging from one pretty female to another, but always coming home alone to his goldfish, Daphne. Yet, he is very aware that he is "not getting any younger" and that it is time for him to commit to someone. As such, Mel decides to move in with a pretty thing and sublet his apartment. His new renter is Ginger (Gina Gershon), a bespectacled British biologist, who has arrived in the Big Apple to study amphibians. But, unhappily for Mel, his relationship skills are so bad that his girlfriend soon kicks him out and he needs his old apartment back NOW. Ginger soon points out that a contract is present and that she needs time to find another set of digs. So, they decide to share the place, with Ginger getting the bedroom and Mel residing in the living room. There is a definite atmosphere of dislike brewing between the two of them. Then, too, Mel has a crush on a newlywed woman, Diana (Christy Scott Cashman) who he met on the ferry to one of his gigs. He even takes a job as an elevator man in her building so that he can get closer to her. But, as she is married to a very rich gentleman (Fisher Stevens) it appears unlikely that she will return Mel's affections. Where will the course of true love run? This is truly a nice little film for those fans of romantic comedy. First, the cast is quite nice, with Modine giving a wonderfully nuanced performance as the misguided musician in search of life's purpose. Stevens, too, is very funny as the self-absorbed husband while Cashman scores big points as the beautiful but empty-headed bride. As for Gershon, she shines brightly, in a role that runs counter-clockwise to many of the racier parts in her previous films. With a nice British accent and her beauty semi-hidden under her glasses, she easily gives one of her best performances ever. All of the niceties of film-making, such as good costuming, attractive settings and fine camera work, are present. Congratulations, also, to the imaginative script and the confident direction of one Claudia Myers. In brief, if you are fishing for a new flick in the world of romcom entertainment, you would be well advised to "catch" this one. Grab it at the nearest video outlet, pop some kettle corn in the micro, and kick off your shoes for a nice little watch.

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Worst movie ever made!!! Please see the Real movie reviews from the pros on this movie.Check Rotten Tomatoes on the web for some good independent reviews on this film. The comments made on this site are apparently from folks with some financial interest in this film. I find the positive comments very misleading. I find it amazing how the negative comments are so bad against this movie and the positive comments sound like an Academy Awards Speech. Don't waste your hard earned money!!!!!! This Film is retarded!! I can't believe a film like this would ever be made. Why would Hollywood waste their time on such junk? This film is an attempt at nothing. I ask myself what looser would actually sink their money producing such trash. I went to blockbuster and the attendant even told us not to waste our time or money. I didn't listen and I did waste my time and cash. Please don't make the same mistake! It really is the "Worst movie ever made!"

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This movie was supposed to have depicted a 'ladie's man' bachelor who was ready and willing to settle down once and for all. However, I did not care for his mission to settle down, because I didn't care for his character. I don't understand what all of these beautiful women saw in him. He had absolutely no class, or charisma. He should've at least had a way about himself that made ladies weak in the knees other than his saxophone playing, but to no avail. Just because he is a musician does not make him sexy. Not to mention, the things he did to get the attention of a married woman he fell in love in a span of five minutes of knowing her were absolutely outrageous and ridiculous. Does this man have any shame what-so-ever? Had he tidied up, and stopped doing and saying stupid things he would have been more attractive as a character, but alas, his character was bland and boring.Gina Gershon's character was unnecessarily British. She could've just as easily been an uptight out-of-towner with her regular speaking voice than do a poor British accent that sometimes would fade through out the movie.The only two characters I cared for were the fish and frog. Now those two had chemistry! Academy nominations for both… STAT! Plot holes, lack of character development, horrible acting, unnecessary drama, cliché moments... What a mess of a movie.

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