Kein Alibi - Dunkles Geheimnis
Kein Alibi - Dunkles Geheimnis
| 24 March 2000 (USA)
Kein Alibi - Dunkles Geheimnis Trailers

Bob Lessing is a successful businessman who becomes amorously entangled with a dangerous and mysterious woman. What Lessing doesn't realize is that she has been sent by her powerful criminal boyfriend Vic Haddock to collect a large sum of drug money owed to him by Bob's murdered brother.


There was something here with the female lead having this perfect life she's always wanted after the worst life possible, beginning as a child prostitute and winding up with Eric Roberts. But her background makes it impossible for her to trust Dean Cain and this utterly destroys it in the end. It sounds weird, but I like the position Dean Cain was in at the end and the choice he made. He can't hurt her because he loves her and she's the mother of his child (I think the time frame makes it clear it's his child and not his brother's), but at the same he can't forgive her for all she's done, sleeping with his brother (which shows the love and obligation he felt was pretty much one way) and then being part of his death. In better hands this would have been a better movie, but for something I caught on late night cable, it's not bad.

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Sitting here watching this film right now for the second time, I can't really understand why some people found it confusing at all! Brother PHILLY inadvertently steals laundered Mob money, CAMILLE (Lexa Doig) is not who she says she is, she is set to seduce the wrong brother (CAIN) and his sleazy thief of a brother eventually ends up dead...the rest is Dean Cain playing detective and Eric Roberts chewing the scenery as usual. Boring, pedestrian and completely predictable dialog, gratuitous female nudity, unprotected sex in grimy slimy washroom (resulting in Camille carrying Philly's kid most likely although that is never addressed), so many wasted and utterly undeveloped characters, but it could have been worse! Always remember that! Cain's motivation is clear "he's my f***ing brother, don't tell me to let it go" (but WHY did he wait an entire year to begin searching for clues?), the interplay with Dean and Camille is realistic most of the just goes off track. And what about the BABY? And the money? The cop gets hit in the head and is never seen again, the evil Camille walks away, Cain kills the bad guy--where's the payoff? I think that may be the reason that people find this film unsatisfying--there's 90 plus minutes of set-up and a one minute wrap-up that resolves absolutely nothing. It could have been released in theaters but you can see why it wasn't! Instead of a top-notch thriller, it ends up being bargain basement...just something to watch when there's nothing but reruns and infomercials on! 'Nuff said!

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Watching this movie is a painful experience. It could not be worse. There were several ways the plot could have gone and the writers made a conscious decision to pick the absolute worst. Not a single character was developed in the making of this movie. Some characters appeared in the movie for no reason whatsoever. The dialog was an afterthought. As for the acting, I don't expect much from Dean Cain but in his defense he had nothing to work with. I can't even begin to figure out why Eric Roberts took the part. With all the movies and TV he's done he should know better and can't possibly need the money. The only positive I can say about the movie is I get paid to watch them.

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Originally I rented this film with my boyfriend, since I am a fan of Dean Cain. Too bad he has a son and will likely marry the mother but anyway...While not in the mainstream... it was a very intriguing movie. I wasn't sure what to expect but I'm pleased with what I got... though I had trouble watching some love scenes. :o)I thought there was something wrong with me that it was left open ended... but I'm glad I wasn't the only person left scratching their head.

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