Kate's Addiction
Kate's Addiction
| 27 March 1999 (USA)
Kate's Addiction Trailers

A psychotic woman becomes dangerously jealous when her best friend begins dating a handsome man. She will stop at nothing to keep the two apart, even if it means destroying their relationship or even murdering one of them.


I actually loved the flick up until they threw in that extra bit of crap about how she had drugged her during there college years as well. U can say im one of the few if not the only one that actually wanted things to work out between the two. But as always they throw icing on the cake in order that you may see from yet anothers misguided perception of how things really are or so they 'believe it so. Unrequited love is such a sad thing in the real world... Almost brings tears to my eyes.I mean if this were a love film then theyd make a really cute couple.. But NooO! It has to play the stereotypical obsessed stalker killer lesbian card instead as many others have done before or aim to do in the future... Give us a true love story, without a tragic ending for once please :/

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I thought this was going to be another "Skin-amax" flick that pops up late at night on cable and stars Shannon Tweed. But this is basically a low budget thriller with the emphasis on low budget. Film is about a woman named Kate (Kari Wuhrer) who is totally infatuated with Sara (Farrah Forke) but she lives in California. Kate tells her lesbian lover Zoey (Natalie Radford) to come with her to the west coast and gives her a phony reason to come. Sara is living with Dylan (Matthew Porretta) and planning on getting engaged which spoils Kate's plans on buying a flower shop with Sara in New Orleans. Kate gets Zoey to help her kill Dylan and make it look like a robbery. Kate stays with Sara to console her and creep back into her life! They decide to open a flower shop in Los Angeles and Kate blackmails a man named Jack (Joel Gretsch) so he will seduce Sara and then dump her but Jack really learns to like her instead. Kate's also been giving Sara the date rape drug to knock her out at night and take advantage of her. This film was directed by Eric DelaBarre and for his first effort its adequately made. There are about two scenes where characters are talking to one another but you cannot hear them and you only hear the background music. I thought these scenes were well filmed and it shows a spark of real creativity. Wuhrer and Forke and...oh hell, everyone in this film is good looking. Thats why this has the appearance of one of those soft porn films late night on cable. I was surprised by the small amount of nudity in certain scenes. Even in the lesbian love scene they both keep their clothes on. There are some quick shots of breasts but fans of Wuhrer might be a tad disappointed. Not a bad late night thriller and Wuhrer is always worth a look. But the overall script is silly and goes way over the top! Fans of Wuhrer have a head start.

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I saw this film at the Newport Beach Film Festival where the writer, director, producer was awarded the "Filmmaker of the Future Award." When you watch the movie, it's amazing to think he made the film for $74,000. It looks great...the acting is great. I remember during the question and answer session following the film, the director said he wished he had more time to do a production rewrite. I think he found out just how hard it is to make a indie film with credit cards. My hats off to him...the film is great. I loved Kari Wuhrer.

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When I read the summary for this movie, I had high expectations for it. Boy was I disappointed. The only thing that saves this movie from absolute failure is the fine perfomances by Kari Wuhrer and Farrah Forke. The only thing that I found remotely interesting was the seduction scene by Kate but even that isn't enough for someone to rent this movie What annoyed me most was how predictable the ending was. It was pretty much your typical Hollywood ending. If I wanted a sissy ending, I'd go watch a Disney movie. Just for once can't the bad guys win? If you're looking for a better lesbian movie go see Bound or When Night is Falling.

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