| 04 October 1990 (USA)
Kamillions Trailers

Nathaniel Pickman Wingate has opened a gateway to another dimension using equations and equipment in his basement laboratory. His wife, Nancy, wants him to get ready for his own birthday party. He wants his son Sam to help him. Sam is up in his room looking at pictures of Jasmine on his computer, and a poster of her arrives which he puts in his closet. Although it is Nathan's birthday, the family is enthralled by a visit from Cousin Desmon, who is now a count in Liechtenstein. While Sam is away getting equipment for his father with his friend Alex, his father gets sucked into the other dimension, and a creature from the parallel universe escapes, pursued by another. The first temporarily traps the second with its spit, attacks Desmon, and becomes a duplicate, absorning his thoughts from the unconscious body. The other manages to get free, and unable to find a human to mimic, finds the poster of Jasmine...


Kamillions is a great film for practicing your skills at studying a film for general narrative flaws. It's a welter of poor scenario and character development work, tepid writing, and fine-to-merely-OK acting held together in a pudding of pretty good technical production work (e.g., good editing, OK music/sound).It's a disconnected series of comic/spooky/horror scenarios loosely derived from an opening, "kick-off" premise involving a portal to another world, with invaders coming from that world.I've seen a few films that fill out the same contours, failing on the same grounds, and with even better production values (e.g., "John Dies at the End"), so there appears to be a strange market that directs funding to produce this kind of low-budget drek. Its one saving grace is that it gives budding film folks an opportunity to exercise and refine their chops.By-the-by, I dug seeing Hal Robins, and love hearing his voice.

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With some of the most hilarious box art I've ever seen and a back cover making references to the Fly and Gremlins, I was expecting a cheap knockoff film... with a cool cover. Instead, what I got was something that is not only as entertaining as those two films mentioned on the back, it actually might be BETTER than than those two films, combined! This film is about a fat guy doing experiments, something we've all seen before. In fact, it starts out just like any other horror-comedy... but quickly turns into some bizarre art film... the whole film kind of turns upside down as we suddenly see eyes through the life of some kind of weird bug, who crawls around and searches out the lab and spits acid at people. Then, the "film" (with all the plot and such) restarts, and nothing is the same anymore. We see insane penis monsters, people's whole bodies horrifically shoved inside fishbowls, people being violently electrocuted, and more! There is not a boring moment to bad had, especially when the lead "kamillion" chews up the scenery... this guy looks a really young Bruce Campbell meets a really young Jim Carrey, and he has to be one of the best characters to ever appear in a film. He just kind of stalks around, killing people for no apparent reason, using his fingers as sharp knives, teleporting all over the place, making his face turn completely blue, and throwing knives into turkeys. It's worth seeing the film just for this character.You know, it's a shame that this isn't available on DVD. Rarely does one find films more imaginative or more entertaining -- there are more good ideas in this single 90 minute film than Hollywood releases in one year! All the effects were really well-done; you can tell a lot of heart went into this release. It's a shame it's not more well-known; see it at all costs.

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this movie is AMAZING!! Kamillions teeters so delicately between genres, and at times i am frightened by how good it is. horror, romance, social satire and just enough comic relief to give this "frightfest" the perfect balance. countless plot twists, a stellar cast, and elaborate, mind-blowing special effects make this movie absolutely a MUST SEE. this movie will keep you guessing and guessing until you don't know which way is up. the soundtrack is a sparse and shifting tempest of synth swells, backed up by a cavalcade of oldies hits. think, the Mist meets the Fly meets Gremlins meets any other awesome movie you've ever seen! TEN!!!

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The critics hate it... but only the ones with no sense of humor. This film will probably be to our generation what Plan Nine From Outer Space was to our parents. It's so bad it's good, deliciously good! The mad doctor is frumpy and completely self absorbed. The monster is-- well-- beyond words! The first time you see it, you think "what the f--" But by the second time, it gets to be like the Rocky Horror Picture Show. You want to shout out replies and retorts to the actors! If you're a fan of the weird and wonderful, this is a must-see film! I had the same feeling after seeing "Eraserhead". I hated it. But I felt I had to see it again, despite my better judgment. Now I look forward to any opportunity to see either film again and again. These dark comedies are an acquired taste, but well worth it.

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