Justice League of America
Justice League of America
NR | 28 December 1997 (USA)
Justice League of America Trailers

The evil Weather Man is intent on destroying New Metro City with a series of malevolent meteorological mishaps. Can the super-powered (and semi-employed) Justice League of America save the day? Or will New Metro be drowned in a humongous tidal wave?

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worst piece of crap I've ever seen! Guy Garner and Flash's personalities were backwards! Guy is the thug type with no skills in the real world. Flash became the flash while working in his crime scene lab so how did he have no skills?! Ray Palmer came off like a geek! just because you're smart doesn't mean you're automatically a sniveling little nerd! gardners singing and sensitive romantic personality was ridiculous! gardner was a body builder/security guard on muscle beach when he got picked to be a lantern! and manhunter was just a voice in the background?! so dumb! an d im sorry you cant have a justice league of America without superman, batman, hal jordan gl, aquaman, hawkman, or wonder woman! this is more like justice society or justice league international! just really really bad!! thank god this never got picked up!

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I'm a comic book fan, mainly DC, so I'm no stranger to the league. I was also a fan of the original Flash TV series, so them using Barry under a completely different interpretation is a bit of an adjustment. However, this wasn't bad, this wasn't bad at all.For those who don't know, this is JLA based on a very popular run of JLA and JLI that was known for it's humor and interpersonal dynamics. It was a good run, the kind you enjoy because it has you laughing and caring about the characters. This pilot is very much inspired by it. It is dialog and interaction heavy, which helps compensate for a low budget, and a lack of direction. As far as failed pilots go, Global Frequency this is not.The story has the main characters go up against "The Weatherman," who is actually a very interesting villain in the context of the show. He's not easily defeated, but he's not one of these world crushing supervillians that Superman or Batman could take down in an instant, but provides enough challenge for the heroes to take him down. It's a story just big enough to open with, and for a pilot film, that's what it should be.THe acting is solid, realistically you can't expect too much, it's just a pilot that is done in what seems to be, and unorganized manner, so that effects the actors. The actors are solid, most you've probably seen somewhere, a few even have had their own shows and been successful, so the acting isn't bad. At worst it lacks energy, at best I'm smiling and laughing.Script could've been better, it does it's job, but could have been better.The single worst part of the whole movie, sadly, is the costumes. The costumes, while decent, look cheap and impractical, Fire not wearing a mask, Atom wearing what looks like body armor, and Green Lanterns costume looking somewhat...blue. The costumes are distracting, but most likely would have been improved in time.You know, this is really good, there's a lot of potential for drama and humor, the characters are solid, and interact well, Atom and Ice especially, and really, the idea of having a superhero show that is more about the heroes than the heroics is a good idea. It is a shame that it didn't get a chance to grow into something special.

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Hell, it ain't even your father's. Or your older brother's. Or even yours! The team chosen was a composite of second-string characters (minus the Flash) and missing the big 3; Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman. Of course, anyone who reads the comics will also notice that the League's origin is completely different.Of course, changes had to be made to adapt it to TV, the budget and make it accessible to new viewers. But, this wasn't anything special. Basically, the movie is your typical 90s superhero TV fare with a predictable plot, cheesy costumes and only halfway decent acting. Basically, it was a buddy movie with powers.

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This laughable TV pilot features the awesomest of the awesome from the DC comic universe, or it was supposed to anyway. With the rights to Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman all tied up in Hollywood and no one really giving a damn about Aquaman (possibly the lamest of all of DC's characters) the creators of this show had to fall back on the made-up-for-Super Friends heroes that no one really liked and the underused characters that no one really cares about anyway. Fire and Ice were only around in the Super Friends cartoons as far as I know, and it probably should have stayed that way. The Atom was a horrible choice for a Justice league member, and his costume was stupid. Guy Gardener as the Green Lantern? Why not Hal Jordan? J'onn J'onzz as the leader of JLA? And why was The Flash (Barry Allen at least) a complete putz? This piece of tripe was a huge disappointment from beginning to end, only enjoyable to those of us who love to make fun of bad TV and cinema.Still, if you're a collector, you should try to pick this up at a flea market or comic con. It'll sate the hunger of the inner-fanboy.

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