| 07 November 2014 (USA)
Justi&Cia Trailers


Alex Angulo is probably one of the best actors in Spanish cinema. His tragic and untimely death has made Justi&Cia the last film in a fantastic career that spans across three decades. Casting Hovik K as the main character was definitely a great choice, and the premise couldn't be more contemporary or interesting. However, the film doesn't hold together, or at least it didn't to me. I really wanted to now this two characters in depth, but I never rooted for them that much. There are some road movies out there that bring you so much into the life characters that you feel waking out of a dream when the credits roll. I didn't feel that in this case. The dialogue - aside from solid lines like "me has engañado! - sí... qué se siente?" felt swallow and cliché. There are definitely some great scenes like the closing shot or the dildo-torture that move or amuse you (in that order!) but overall I can't say that I watched a good film, let alone a great one. It is a shame, because as I stated above, the premise and casting was top-notch, but to me it somehow did not deliver. It may also be that the tragi-comic game doesn't engage the audience enough i.e. Justin's plan is realistic, but it's not conceivable that they manage to drive through the whole country uncaught... especially when the press dubs them "the justice miners" whilst Justi the Miner's face and all the accident-related matters is still on TV. Little details like the petrol station guy pulling up a shotgun straight out of Doom 3 doesn't help either.I am sure Ignacio will go on to write other great stories; I am sorry that this one didn't cut it for me, and that that was Alex's last film, especially after masterpieces like El Dia de la Bestia, probably the only other big film in which he was the main character.

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Fun , amusing and touching flick about a duo of losers attempting to a pull off a peculiar social revenge and taking justice on their own hands . This is an interesting Dramedy : comedy with brief touches of drama more in less than 90 minutes of length and yet with an air of naturalness and credibility ; though essentially predominates drama . The setting is city of León and surroundings , home of a massive industry and jobs aplenty . Today with the industry and mining in decline and the works closed down there is widespread unemployment and despair . Justino (Hovik Keuchkerian) is a miner who tiring for the social and economical crisis decides to be a ¨Vigilante¨ or ¨Justiciero¨ or ¨Social revenger¨ . Justino wants to be like ¨Charles Bronson¨ of ¨Death Wish¨ and becomes himself as ¨Judge¨ , ¨Jury¨ and ¨Executioner¨. He , then , looks for a partner , a squire similarly to ¨Robin¨ , being ¨Batman¨ : Justino . Along the way he meets a retired man named Ramon (Alex Angulo) and both of whom join forces to proceed their particular social vendetta . They are called ¨Justi¨ and ¨Cia¨ = ¨Justicia¨ , the ¨vengeful miners¨ and take on corrupt people , nasty politicians and unscrupulous entrepreneurs . As they kidnap a Mayor who has stolen thousands of Haban Puros , spending 24.000 Euros , a manager who has robbed the ERE indemnity of his workers and an entrepreneur who caused deaths of various miners and didn't receive compensations , among others . But then , there crop out several imitators of their feats . Meantime , Justino and Ramon cross Spain from Leon to Linea De La Concepcion and Gibraltar . This entertaining film knows very well inter-cross these two genres , drama with brief touches of comedy , although the most comfortable note in the enjoyable drama . Including a sour denounce about injustices , regarding unemployment , exploitation , and corruption . It is presented as a comedy , but it does have some very moving moments, as it shows the despair and desolation of unemployment . And it subtly displays the economic conditions of Aznar/Zapatero's Spain, where entire industries were shut down , taking jobs and local economies along with them . The picture relies heavily on the unusual relationship between two main characters , though some of the sub-plots needed more fleshing out . Yet the laughs are sprinkled throughout nicely , and even though each man has their own personal fears to overcome, they find strength in each other, which makes the experience all the more fruitful .It's fun, but no less likable , though some infinite sadness follows the film at times , including a touching finale . The film moves in fits and starts most of which would be desirable , with more traps the viewer resists any kind, and some moments of enjoyment and others quite a few disconcerting . This is a pleasant flick that contains humor , entertainment and amusement as well as thought-provoking issues . The film gives a nice character studio of a desperate miner well played by Hovik Keuchkerian and an old man performed by Alex Angulo who gives a phenomenal acting . And special mention to appearance by veteran Antonio Dechent as an abusive entrepreneur , guilty of the deaths of Justino's colleagues , and Marta Larralde as daughter who suddenly to be aware the dangerous activities of his daddy .The picture pays tribute to this magnificent actor , Alex Angulo, who passed away by a car accident , being dedicated at his memoriam . He had a long career , especially as secondary player , with several famous titles as ¨Live flesh or Carne Tremula¨ , ¨Acción Mutante¨ , ¨Pans' labyrinth¨ , ¨Bosque De Sombras¨ , ¨Muertos De Risa¨, ¨Asi En El Cielo Como En La Tierra¨ , ¨Años Barbaros¨, ¨El Gran Vazquez¨ , being his most known acting as fanatic priest in ¨El Dia De La Bestia¨ by Alex De La Iglesia (being Angulo his fetish actor). The motion picture was professionally directed by Ignacio Estagueri , an usual Shorts filmmaker , this one results to be his first flick . The picture will appeal to Spanish cinema fans .

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