Just a Little Harmless Sex
Just a Little Harmless Sex
R | 11 June 1999 (USA)
Just a Little Harmless Sex Trailers

A young married couple faces a serious break-up when the husband is caught committing adultery with a prostitute.


This so-called "sex comedy" has very little to recommend it. A one- joke affair that seems to take forever to get to its well- telegraphed "climax", this justly titled "Just a Little Harmless Sex" was obviously directed by someone who realized that the script was so boring that the only chance the producer had of retrieving some of his money was a quick sale to TV. The only trouble with this theory is that Rick Rosenthal was both producer and director, so why he chose to direct EVERY SINGLE CAMERA SET-UP in a boringly relentless TV style, abounding with tight close-ups and two-shots (plus an occasional three for a bit of variety) is a real mystery. Admittedly, the players do make a gallant effort to keep the movie moving, but they are hemmed in by a plot that telegraphs its next scene "surprises" well ahead of the game. How the movie managed to amass such good reviews amazes me. Normally, reviewers would tear apart such a poorly written and over- strenuously acted show that moves with the pace of a snail from one boring, well-telegraphed scene to the next. Admittedly, the players put a lot of effort into their roles, but that's just the problem. Successful acting must SEEM effortless!

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This movie got nothing to enjoy.The Women are beautiful and that's all.Kimberly williams is suppose to strip wow!she takes her blouse off.She should stick to roles like father of the bride no risk there.So what you got is four women who talk about sex and four guys who are as stupid as the girls are.What a waste of money and talent.I cannot care for any of the characters.My mistake was to watch this movie after I saw body shots.The girls in this movie does more than talk they actualy take their clothes off when they make love.

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This movie was very painful to watch. The plot was not new, the acting was on par with average TV sitcoms and the characters were not very likeable. This could have been boiled down to a half hour wednesday night on ABC and not wasted my time. I rented this video based on "two thumbs up by Siskel and Ebert

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"Just a little harmless sex" is a flimsy, silly sex farce. The story concerns 3 males, 3 females, and stories of infidelity and picking up mates. Everyone seems to be sexually aggressive in the movie, even one of the character's mothers.It is mostly a comedy, but there is a fair amount of drama in the movie. Should you forgive a loved one for cheating on you? Not because they are in love with someone else, but because they are horny at a particular moment? This is the main theme of the movie.The cast of the movie saves it. It was surprising to see Kimberly Williams (of "father of the bride fame") performing a long strip scene near the end.And for all of you looking for gratuitous nudity, the intro scene is the only nude scene in the entire movie.

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