| 01 January 2002 (USA)
Junior Trailers

Rebecca and Sandra borrow a car and decide to go on a road trip. Soon after they have stopped at an isolated gas station, their car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. Sandra decides to hike back to the gas station to get some help


Now I am not one for slasher flicks and this one lacked that. I get the plot, it's pretty self explanatory. Two woman decide to take what appears to be a road trip through the countryside only to end up with a abused, gas mask wearing, weapon wielding, orange jump suit wearing,tortured soul on a mission to inflict pain onto others because he was abused as a child/man. The movie was more comical than scary and it was hard to actually get scared when I couldn't stop laughing. Oh did I mention that he is a acrobatic killer? Yeah I guess I left that part out but you would've figured it out once you see him do a one handed cartwheel off the front of the car while still holding his weapon in his hand, such a talent. This looks like it was filmed in a poor part of England, very poor. I couldn't take the killers character seriously as he grabs one of the woman by their hair out of the car, brings them up to the roof of the car, slices her head off, you see the head roll down the windshield, where is the blood you ask? Well it came trailing down behind it after a few seconds, really? Overall this film is a result of bad parenting and child abuse, the killer clearly was saddened to be locked up in a dungeon by his douche bag father and finally escaped his grasp only to come back home and get scolded by his father, the film is just awful but if you need a good laugh, please feel free to watch this movie!

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Stop me if you've heard this one before: Two young women who embark on a road trip find themselves in considerable jeopardy from a vicious mentally challenged mutant killer and his equally ferocious father after their car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. Director Marc Ickx, who also co-wrote the hackneyed and uninspired script with Liam Bradley, relates the derivative and grindingly predictable meandering narrative at a painfully sluggish pace, hurts the viewer's ears with plenty of rusty tin-eared dialogue (sample line: "Is this the road trip from hell or what?"), and, worst of all, fails to generate any much-needed suspense or creepy atmosphere. The cruddy dubbing, an excruciatingly drawn-out and uneventful first forty minutes, and the fact that the main character of Rebecca comes across as an insufferably shrill, whiny, and thoroughly unappealing bitch certainly doesn't help matters any. The acting virtually without exception is pretty bad, although Bob Dougherty tries hard as the psycho's angry pop and Marcel Romeijn makes for a fairly grotesque subhuman fiend. Things perk up a tad in the second half, with some nice'n'nasty gore and a reasonably cool geekoid wackjob, but that's still not enough to compensate for the general tedium, hopelessly shopworn and threadbare screenplay, and crippling dearth of originality. A real clunker.

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Wow, not often does such a bad movie find its way to the rental store. Thankfully, we purposely rent this kind of rubbish so that appreciate Hollywood's B-movies even more. This movie however was a king among trash. Honestly, I'm surprised Dean Cain wasn't in it (sorry Dean, but you've been going downhill since Superman).Regardless we had a great time watching this (its was titled Junior here in Canada). It was hilarious, the terrible dialogue (ex "What do we know about cars? We are both textile manufacturers!) and the miserable special effects coupled with one of the most overused plots imaginable make for a knee-slapping good time. This is the kind of movie that makes me wonder why I am not writing/directing movies because I could surely do a better job or at least couldn't do any worse.

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Just rented this fine Belgian film last night from "Blockbuster" and i refuse to return it back to them ;)... I love low budget movies especially masterpieces like this one. so here it goes... 2 " belgian" girls go out for a week of work free with a borrowed Jaguar from the 80's, gossip free vacation,then get stuck up in the middle of nowhere which is apparently two blocks away from their starting point. There they are introduced to the perfect family made of Junior ( also reffered to as "The Beast" or "The creature" ), his loving dad Robert and the maid ( old, always complaing b***h ). One of the girl friends ends with her head being chopped off by Junior's favorite toy, his sickle. Speaking of his "toy", dont let the cover of the DVD ( distributed in U.S. by ever great Artisan---oh thank you guys!!! ) fool you. Junior is NOT using the coal mining showel but the sickle given to him by the only person who ever felt for Creature's condition, his concerning dad. Since Robert is so full of care for his son he wants to make him a special birthday present - his mom, in shape of the surving girl. What follows is a brilliant display of fine acting, led by Bob Dougherty ( Robert ) who has a few memorable lines, especially explaining his son's doomed condition. The one we will surely never forget is when he gets irritated by one of the girls screams in the basement ( Junior's playground) : "Shut your trap"...."Shuuuuut up"...."I said shuuuut up"..."SHUT THE F******* UP". Oh, I can't leave out memorable lines as : "go on boy", "finish her boy", "that's a good boy", "my boy"!!!. Pay extra attention to how much emotion Bob brings into his scenes. Members of the Accademy surely missed on him two years ago, otherwise he would have an Oscar statue on his shelf already. Well let's hope we get to see more of him in the future so the voters won't be able to keep their eyes closed anymore. Another gleaming point is Cecilia Bergqvist whose name is printed on the Blockbuster's cover, right next to the film title ( Junior, Cecilia Bergqvist 2002. ), just like a star she surely is. Too bad the majority of us never heard of her before. Her acting brings that overwhelming feeling of happiness to each scene she is in. When she finally accepts the role of creature's mom her talent shines in all of it's magnificent light. Unfotunately she dies at the end...by Robert's hand who has taken his "boy"'s place after Cecilia tricked him and killed him. Actually I felt kinda bad for him, he just wanted to play. There's nothing wrong with that, right? All boys play, just with diff. toys :). So in short BUY the movie...u wont regret it

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