Isle of Dogs
Isle of Dogs
R | 21 January 2014 (USA)
Isle of Dogs Trailers

When London gangland boss Darius Deel discovers his new trophy-wife Nadia is having an affair, he hunts down her lover Riley and a deadly game begins.


What??? I watched this film for 20mins, turned it of because it was so bad. Felt guilty, because maybe I hadn't given it a fair chance, another 20mins was given. My God, am I demented, or was this movie a film school project that they forgot to write a script for. The acting wasn't terrible, but why watch an improv class. For the final stage of the film, I just watched with dismay, waiting for a clown to pop up shouting "Gotcha", now that would have been funny. Sadly this didn't happen, however, some of the effects did make me snigger, especially the hand chopping incident. If this film had been any worse it would probably become a cult classic! Unfortunately this was not the case.

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Isle of Dogs is a taut thriller, the tale of a kept woman, struggling between her criminal husband and a young lover.That's as much spoiler as you'll get in this review because I would hate to ruin even one of the reveals, which come fast (get your popcorn beforehand) and, just when you think it's out of surprises, think again.(And again.)A well-crafted crime-thriller, Isle of Dogs' narrative is smooth, tantalizing as the pieces come together and the drama builds. Rather than abusing non-linear techniques as a gimmick, it uses them to accent the narrative, giving the viewer WHAT they need to know WHEN they need to know it. Fans of early Brain Michael Bendis' comics (Jinx, Torso, Goldfish) will certainly get this film, which is paced, and unravels, more like a classic Eastwood western than a contemporary lime-y-crime. And it's foolish to compare this film to a Guy Ritchie shoot-em-up just because of the locale. While it packs PLENTY of action and some marvelously grotesque shocks, there is a depth of character and tragedy here that goes well beyond the standard cockney-crime offering.(And again.) (sorry, another unexpected, awesome reveal)Sutton is clearly an actor's director, giving her cast the freedom to breathe, to spit (!), and to turn in stellar, layered performances. Edward Hogg, Barbara, Nedeljakova, and especially Andrew Howard are all performers who own their camera time and Sutton is gifted enough to capture the nuances that might otherwise be lost. Her direction makes even the most mundane of events intriguing, sometimes juxtaposing an almost Kubrikian stillness of camera with scenes of dramatic, sweeping motion. She frames shots for impact and knows how to capture moments for their chill factor. (I'll personally never forget the body dragged past the doorway in her film, Sutures).From the title (a subtle metaphor for loyalty and captivity), to Worman's score (eerie with f'n' attitude), this film hooked me all the way through and, several times, had me shouting out loud. (And again.) (Yeah, those twists just keep coming.)

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This movie was a lot of fun! I saw this film at the London Fright Festival last month and really enjoyed it. I thought the acting was really good and it looked better than many of the films we saw at the festival over the weekend. The story was fun and had an interesting twist on an old genre. We would highly recommend this film to our friends. It's a great movie. I thought it was very well directed and so did my girlfriend. Actor Andrew Howard as the lead villain was remarkable and refreshing in what was surprisingly not your same old Cockney East End thug. He brought a tremendous presence to the role. The other actors were all equally good. I look forward to more films from this director.

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I saw this film at Frightfest 2010 in London and rather embarrassingly I was sitting in the same row as the director and some of the stars. I say embarrassing as there are quite a lot of laughs in this film, but most are unintentional. Small things like a firedoor sign (clearly filmed in a hotel rather than a country house) to a suitcase 'full' of money that appears to have about £200 at most in it.Unfortunately it's not just the small things that are laughable in this film. The characters are stereotypical (bumbling police, foul mouthed wisecracking boss, hit-man with a heart), the dialogue is trying to be genuine/gritty whilst also amusing and fails with both, and there are some glaring plot holes. There are several scenes that are way too long and talky whilst the music booms over the top trying to add gravitas to characters going over the same points again and again.The acting isn't too bad on the whole, the major characters are a gang boss, his wife and her lover who's also a hit-man for said boss. The boss puts in a decent performance that owes a lot to Ben Kinglsey in 'Sexy Beast' and Vinnie Jones from Guy Ritchie films, that said he clearly had fun with it and that comes across. The Wife is a Czech actress who's main functions are to walk around pouting and having some rough and tumble with various protagonists both of which she does fine. The hit-man performance is very strange though. Ed Hogg seems to go from maniacal to breaking down crying in every scene in the most uneven performance I've ever seen. Ed is the only actor I recognised from another film having seen 'Bunny and the Bull' in which I thought he was very good, which just makes his performance even more confusing and ultimate I just think he was miscast also being too slight and having too weak a voice for the role.In the end the film wants to be a cross between a Guy Ritchie film, Severance and Sexy Beast but fails to be as fun or interesting as any of them. I doubt there will be any major release of this film, but there are laughs to be had (however unintentional) but I certainly wouldn't pay for them!

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