Inbred Redneck Alien Abduction
Inbred Redneck Alien Abduction
NR | 30 November 2004 (USA)
Inbred Redneck Alien Abduction Trailers

Government special agents are sent to the hills of Arkansas to investigate an alien abduction. The agents meet and "team-up" with some back woods hillbillies to infiltrate the alien's mother ship. Once aboard the spacecraft, hillbillies and government agents alike must fight for their lives and escape their alien foes!


Sure it's ultra-low budget, but this movie has heart, because everyone involved seems to be having fun. Sort of a free form script "borrowed" from any number of sci-fi's out there, and with a title like "Inbred Redneck Alien Abduction", you cannot expect "Star Wars". What drives the movie is the obvious love and enthusiasm that went into producing this schlocky but lovable production. The creatures are comical, the rednecks are nicely stereotyped, and all of the acting is terrible. I say this, you go in expecting nothing, and I.R.A.A. just might surprise you. There are a few laugh out loud situations, not much nudity, and some comical violence. Oh yes, one more thing, turn your brain off for ninety minutes and never admit to anyone that you saw this movie. - MERK

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Once you realize that the cast and crew set out to make the worst movie possible you'll enjoy it a lot more. They obviously weren't taking anything too seriously. It's almost like the director kept saying, "Okay folks, lets try it again and this time lets try NOT to make it so believable." I like B-movies because they just tend to be a lot of fun to watch. Without the big budgets of the mindless dribble with the same rehashed plot lines over and over again that main-stream Hollywood tends to make all too often, case in point "Wild Hogs", the film makers have to think of more creative ways of telling their story. I.R.A.A. may not be for everyone, my wife couldn't watch it because it was too stupid, but then again she doesn't like movies like "Dumb & Dumber", "Old School", "Tommy Boy" or "Space Balls" either. She just regards them as Stupid movies and I.R.A.A. definitely falls into that category.

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Ughh! I thought I'd give this movie a chance based upon the reviews I had read and I also wanted to give something else a try. OMG, this movie sucked so bad I couldn't bear it. Saying that it was better than Gigli (yet another unbearable flick) was a stretch at best. I don't even know where to begin with the utter crappiness of this movie...Video: Home movies have been done much better Costumes/Props: Seen better at the local Halloween Haunted House. You can actually see the boom-mic in many scenes because the video guy is too close to the actors. Acting: Lacking in all aspects, pretty much kludged together from unsuspecting actors/actresses trying to make a break (too bad it probably crippled your career forever) Sound: It sounded like they simply used the built-in mic on the cheapo camera used to shoot the flick Story: Quite possibly the dumbest concept yetThis movie wasn't even fun to watch, even if you're drunk off your arse. The jokes aren't funny and are poorly executed... ughh, I could go on but I won't. Avoid this at all costs and spend your time with something more fun, like watching the clouds float by while standing in an ant hill; it's more fun and will hold your attention much longer.

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This movie was sooo wrong on so many different levels that I laughed my butt off! The banjo playing just topped things off and I want the suit that Ikan Kikyeras was wearing in the beginning. Of course, I LIKE B movies. I think I like them because the plots are so absurd you don't know what is going to happen next and they don't take themselves seriously. I thought they showed good use of duct tape! I think it would've been better had they modified a thong rather than a jock strap though. The special effects were not very good but this IS a B movie, not some high budget Hollywood movie. The plot line was delightfully convoluted and the acting was campy and over the top. Just how I like my b movies.If you can't decide on a movie to watch and you find yourself even considering watching Gigli (that's ninety minutes of my life I'll never get back!), Jersey Girl (eww!), and some of the other junk that has come out lately step away and go rent this. The acting is better and it is a lot funnier!

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