In Her Name
In Her Name
| 16 March 2016 (USA)
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In 1982, André Bamberski learns about the death of his 14 year-old daughter, Kalinka, while she was on vacation with her mother and stepfather in Germany. Convinced that Kalinka’s death was not an accident, Bamberski begins to investigate. A botched autopsy report raises his suspicions and leads him to accuse Kalinka’s stepfather, Dr Dieter Krombach, as the murderer. Unable to indict Krombach in Germany, Bamberski attempts to take the trial to France, where he will dedicate his life to Kalinka’s justice and the imprisonment of Krombach.


Have the same crime happen against their own daughters, just so they know how he feel and did what he did.

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Vincent Garenq is the new André Cayatte: apart from his first effort which dealt with gays who wanted a child ,his next three works " Presume Coupable " "L'Equipe " and "Kalinka " aka " Au Nom De Ma Fille " have seen him champion causes.Unlike Cayatte ,a former lawyer who used fiction-and sometimes widely talked about affairs -,Vincent Garenq bases his films on real facts ;but like him ,and in spite of occasional flashbacks, he favors firm screenplays, linear story- telling .His style may seem jerky,telegraphic ,but his account covers 30 years (of fight against a blind justice which releases a criminal ,leaving him free to commit other horrors .)And this succinctness helps the director sustain the interest through the whole film.Daniel Auteuil is ,as usual ,convincing as a father who devotes his life to do his beloved daughter justice ;and hats off to the make - ups: the principal is in his late thirties when he begins the task,and a sexagenarian when he finally wins the case ,and it's credible!Even Hercules was not asked not such a labor :to clean the Augean stables of justice .That was what André Cayatte would do, that's what Vincent Garenq do today.

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R. Ignacio Litardo

Disturbing film about the true case of Bamberski. He was lucky enough to have a couple of sidekicks: the good lawyer who works alone, like him, the German translator, and faithful Cécille, who withstands a lot. His dad in his alpine retreat is also understanding, gives him the best advice. André had a life as a businessman, not very kind to his employees as we see in the first scene, but has his life transformed by the death of her daughter. The film doses the truth very well, and doesn't' shy away from showing the darker aspects of André. He is shown speaking alone while working, attempting acts that are not very lawful, and with a single- mindedness that could end with somebody at any moment. My favourite moment is him eating and resting alone in his car, a homage to "L'adversaire" in my humble opinion (one of the best films I've ever seen). The differences between the two roles are stark, nevertheless. Daniel A. can pull off basically any role he's thrown at, with a lesser actor this film would have been just stock material.The director succeeded into making Marie-Josée Croze an unlikable woman ;). Her character could have more character development, I didn't understand much her (lack of) reactions and why did she never react to André's truths, not even at the cemetery when they cross paths with A.I didn't feel much like going to Germany after watching this film ;). It looks like a foreign country, cold, with a difficult language, a juridical system that protects people like Dieter K. and rather absurd legal decisions. Hadn't it been for Andre's stubbornness, Kalina's case would have been buried. The German system doesn't come off very well in this film ;). It may have to do with French-German relationships, not always loving, but it's for Europeans to give opinions on that.Overall, a great film. Not entirely pleasurable to watch but, given the material, a well told story, without melodrama or demagogy.Recommended!

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Inspired from actual events, this is a true compelling story. The tale of a man whose daughter was raped and killed by her step father, because her mother had divorced from the teenage's father. But the rapist was a German citizen who took full advantage of the lack of extradition policy between France and Germany. So, during more than thirty years, the poor father - Daniel Auteuil - never stopped fighting, over and over, to get justice for his murdered daughter. SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS He finally succeeded in his task, every body in France knows that, but this film is still gluing for the audience, thanks to the outstanding performance of Auteuil.

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