"Ice" is what you get when someone thinks they can do "Miami Vice" and Michael Mann without having the creative talent to back it up. Call it "Michael Meh". It's all gestures and no muscle. This is the kind of movie where people can shoot each other through chain link fences, where the fact that the protagonist has killed at least a dozen people (in the commission of several felonies) doesn't seem to bother the cops in the least, where everyone seems to be able to fly a helicopter, where a petite 100 lb red head can snap people's necks and out-shoot dozens of thugs without a scratch. And where Traci Lords has one all purpose expression which she seems to use for every scene. One thing Lords has going in her favor in "Ice" is that she really isn't any worse on camera than the rest of the cast, so her lack of performance doesn't call any more attention to itself than any other actor. (Let it be said that in the abstract I actually admire Ms. Lords' work ethic - she keeps managing to carve out a career of sorts when a lot of people would have given up and faded into obscurity). But the camera is on her more than anyone else, and she just can't carry the film, or even individual scenes. It took me four tries to make it all the way through "Ice", trying to find something to like about it, and in the end I just stared at it and waited for it to be over. I haven't seen this kind of slickly polished direct-to-cable dullness since the heyday of Crown International Pictures.
... View MoreThis movie was directed by Traci Lords' husband and nephew on John Waters, Brook Yeaton. The movie is pretty bad but it's light entertainment for those who like a bit of Traci and things blowing up. Pretty non-descript performance from Traci. I wouldn't go out of my way to see it again but it's fun if only to laugh at the mistakes the director made. Where did those guns go.....
... View MoreThere are a couple of scathing comments for this movie and they are right on track.However, their descriptions of the poor quality of this movie ignore one significant detail: most fans of Traci Lords might find this entertaining. There is a lot of Traci. Yes, mostly in gun battles, not the way we want to see her. But there is a lot of her, a short shower scene, and her face is mesmerizingly attractive.
... View MoreThis has to be one of the worst movies I´ve seen for months or years even.The plot is familiar but the performance of the cast, the dialogue and the action scenes are all terrible. Sometimes you´ll get the feeling that the director (Brook Yeaton) has not read the script. On one scene Lords is seen buying some automatic weapons for the final showdown, after having gone through some fuss to raise funds for them. But the guns are never seen again because she has a Baretta which she can kill about 20 guys armed with machine guns and grenades.This endurance goes on and on with lame and badly acted dialouge. It´s not even laughable because it looks as if the makers thought they were creating a masterpiece. Do not put yourself through watching this unless you are ready yo put your sanity to risk.
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