| 19 January 2008 (USA)
I.O.U.S.A. Trailers

With the country's debt growing out of control, Americans by and large are unaware of the looming financial crisis. This documentary examines several of the ways America can get its economy back on the right track. In addition to looking at the federal deficit and trade deficit, the film also closely explores the challenges of funding national entitlement programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.


I am not from U.S.A., but I expected to see a real presentation of the current problems that are brought upon the world economy; because if U.S.A. goes down, we all go down, financially speaking, due to the fact that the U.S. is the largest provider of capital.Now I expected this movie to show the causes of the economic clashes U.S.A. is facing, that are spreading around the world, along with the people and institutions responsible, but I just got an endless number of force-fed lies.The people that talk throughout this documentary, among others, are from the Federal Reserve, positions in government and business...go figure! exactly the ones responsible for the mess this movie talks about. In my opinion this is nothing but a desperate shot at masking the corrupt, fraudulent system these people are perpetuating, while pointing at the common human being for the mistakes caused by there own shortcomings and unparalleled greed.The language mostly used is very sophisticated and confusing, thus hindering attempts at understanding what they are saying, or they are just talking nonsense. The tone of there voice is boring and flat. These elements coupled with the failure to make a realistic point, in my opinion, have the purpose of controlling people, not informing them.P.S.: If you're not convinced, or if you don't understand what I'm talking about then by all means watch this documentary, but I think that whatever you chose, you definitely should get more information on the subject; I recommend: Zeitgeist, Zeitgeist Addendum and Zero:An Investigation Into 9/11, to satisfy your curiosity.

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I.O.U.S.A.This is a very fatalistic and realistic film about where our nation's financial security stands.This is also a very deliberate ploy, no matter how many references to "non-partisan" they are proclaiming, to promote the Democratic Party in the next presidential election.Like all films or media or crooked politicians, they are slanting the facts in to promote their own way of thinking and in this case, a way that will leave the American people to believe that the only salvation they will have are to vote a Democratic president into office. In other words, it is an Obama commercial.Everything they said is perfectly true from the financial debt in the beginning of our country to the mess we have now and the reliance our financial security stands on a Communistic and non-democratic government, China. And don't forget the other real threat that if our financial debt fell into a worst regime such as a forceful Middle Eastern country.However, what are some of the truths that they are not presenting? The issue that our political leaders, Republican AND Democrat, are usually bought with "campaign funds" – in other words bribes – to sell out the American people. From foreign countries who do not want to pay heavy tariffs for importing junk into our country; to credit card companies and banks and financial institutions that are allowed to hike up the APRs on "fixed" and "adjustable" interest rates which increases bankruptcy and foreclosures on the middle and poor class citizens; to the health care fields who have little or no regulations on increasing the cost of necessary medicines; to giving citizen rights and health care to illegal aliens who broke the first law of our land in illegal entry to our country; to give the ACLU carte blanche to control and restrain our freedom of speech laws and if they win or lose, they get paid either way! Other truths they are deliberately not referring to is the fact that Clinton and his administration – and wife – seemed to have pocketed quite a bit of funds for themselves. Where did the money go when Clinton pardoned at least 140 criminals – and millionaire traitors to our country – in the last two days of his office? Who benefited from renting the White House like a hotel to enemies of democracy? Why wasn't the threats to the World Trade Center stopped with the first bombing? What about the increase threats to the Freedom of Speech that we are battling today with "hate" crime laws and lowering the age of consensual sexual acts? Bush has not been an angel. He has no idea how it feels to be poor making less than the average wage, no benefits and having to live in Affordable Housing by force. He gives tax breaks to those making $40,000.00 and up when the middle and poor need this much more, incentive bonuses to those who have made certain amounts of money, and much more.Nevertheless, these are just a few of the problems that are the base of the country's problems that have caused us this tremendous financial burden. Once a country and the country's leaders – both Republican and Democratic – are willing to sell out their own people for a few more measly dollars, it is no wonder that our debt to the world is more crucial than our debt to ourselves.During the live broadcast aired on Thursday, August 21 with such distinguished speakers as Warren Buffet and David Walker, it was very unclear on how the average American citizen could influence this issue and maximum spending.The representatives stated that we should take care of our health, save money and vote to elect the correct officials that will listen to our needs and causes.However, until they eliminate the possibility of "campaign funds," lobbyist for large companies that get little or no regulations, take away special governmental perks like free traveling expenses, voting in pay raises, and working multiple consecutive terms for the politicians – then we might get in some really honest men and women of all nationalities and creeds who will care about doing their job and remember their sworn oath and not care about acquiring all the freebees.Remember a little known president called Harry S Truman? What is one of the personal idiosyncrasies he is well known for spurning? Franking. He refused his rights in this area and used regular postage stamps as any American citizen.Until there are more like him or people of like minds to not fleece the common man, America will continue to go more and more into a financial decline jeopardizing not only our children's future but our own.

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This may finally wake up the average American to what is about to happen to our economy and way of life in very short order. Most smart economists, politicians and business people have known for years that the feathers are soon to hit the fan. Ran Paul, Peter Schiff and others have been warning us for some time but very few have listened. Things have actually become considerably worse since this movie was made. The new housing bill will be the stick that breaks the camels back. Better batten down the hatches folks, the perfect storm is about to hit. Even if you are not one who normally pays much attention to economic data please see this movie and at least try to understand the scope of the disaster that is about to befall us in the next 1-2 years. This is not reality TV its just REALITY.

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Comptroller of the United States GAO gives us the facts and describes some history of why the financial crisis of the government budget deficit and national debt are the top threats facing the United States today. Our nation has lost its way and we somehow think it is sustainable for us to spend more as a nation than we earn. The facts and numbers are shocking. Where we will be in 25 years is even more alarming. But it is not too late. As recently as the end of the 1990s the nation was operating under a balanced budget. We can do that again and begin paying down our debts. Excellent presentation of these facts. Not a hopeless cause. But we do need to make some adjustments as a nation. This movie is a must see for everyone of any political persuasion. Very educational.

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