How to Save Us
How to Save Us
NR | 05 June 2015 (USA)
How to Save Us Trailers

Brian Everett's younger brother Sam goes missing on the island of Tasmania during the middle of a mysterious quarantine forcing Brian to traverse across enemy lines to save his brother from an army of ghosts.


This was surprisingly interesting and entertaining. The landscapes are beautiful and the CGI is effective: the scenes with the ghost are pretty creepy and work really well. I really felt the tension in some of these scenes, and I also thought that some shots were very clever.I also loved the way the story is told, the way it went back and forth between the two brothers by showing them visiting the same places, and Sam leaving his notebooks behind with instructions and notes.The (few) actors in it are also good, not only for a low budget, indie movie but in general.I thought the idea was very original and different and, even if the ending is a bit anti- climatic, I loved the fact that I didn't know what to expect most of the time. i liked it and would definitely recommend it!

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Warning: compared to previous survival horror works like "Silent Hill" and the first "Resident Evil", "How To Save Us" doesn't have a whole lot of action; in fact, as detractors here have pointed out, there's mostly of whole lot of walking and sitting and staring into space until the final 20 minutes. It's all about mood and the unsettling spectacle of empty towns and houses everywhere, and the loneliness and vulnerability of the two main characters as one searches for the other through an eerily empty landscape. Once in a while, though, the invisible bogeymen will manifest themselves for a few seconds, and the scenes when they DO stir are pretty creepy and work quite well. However, the visual pleasures of the film are not to be missed if you're into that sort of thing, and the soundtrack/sound design is brilliant. And since the film is really about family and love, the screenplay has some sweetness and a real heart to it.To tell the truth: after the nihilism and hopelessness of the first part of the film, the "happy ending" seemed pasted on, but I decided it was OK to not have the cynical "evil wins after all" stinger for once and just go with the sweetness-and-light ending, even if it wasn't especially convincing.Amazingly good for what looks like an independent production. Not for viewers who want a roller coaster ride.

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Seeing 6.3 rating of this movie, I just couldn't resist wasting 2min. for typing this review and about 15min of fast forwarding this masterpiece. The movie is about 2 dudes that do a lot of walking. Sometimes they seat. On occasion they fish and build camp fires. Very often they listen to really crappy music on a small mono transistor radio. Aha, almost forgot... From time to time there is a lot of wind and a very blurry figure shows up in the background. Presumably a ghost or an alien. On a plus side, the producers bought themselves a tripod. Most of the shots are steady. OK. I said it. That's it. Good luck not putting a bear bottle though your plasma... I would love to thank the other reviewers in person.

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This movie is very simple; a man goes after his younger brother who is lost in a territory that has been mysteriously quarantined in an area that is desolate. Everything has been abandoned saved for a creature that has been killing humans and leaving their bodies to rot. Brian, our hero is tracking his brother Sam, who has been leaving clues as to whereabouts. These creatures in the area are going after Sam, who has been studying them, tracking them and learning their weaknesses. They are unable to detect you if you are around dead bodies or if you are covered with the remains of the dead (ashes). They are attracted to electricity and they can be seen with infrared. All these creatures nuances have been meticulously detailed in a book and left for Brian by Sam. The story progresses in delightful twists and turns, encapsulating the audience with the frantic chase between hunter and prey.As for the movie visuals, it was shot against the beautiful backdrop of Austrailia, with familiar landmarks such as the Sydney Opera House. The visuals capture the beautiful layout of the continent and simple shots add so much more to the story and the feeling of emptiness that amplify the story that there are only two beings on the entire continent.This character driven piece keeps you involved at all times. When you think that the scene will drag, something comes out of the dark and pulls you through an emotional roller coaster for a few seconds, then you are back again. This particular filmmaker is no stranger to making pieces on a low budget with superior casting and storyline and this specific film is no exception to his track record. How To Save Us is a great independent piece and should not be missed!

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