House of Fears
House of Fears
R | 07 October 2007 (USA)
House of Fears Trailers

The night before a local haunted house opens for Halloween, six friends sneak in for a few hours of fun. Soon after entering, they find themselves trapped inside with no way out.


What can I say about this typical teenage horror, a rather boring flick with nothing special, except towards the end the horror really comes in but for the geeks it will still be too low to call it a decent flick.There's no gore and the acting was sometimes laughable. The things walking around may be frightening for teenagers but again, nothing special and the CGI for the dog's eyes didn't work neither. In fact, eleven or younger will be scared in places but for me, just a boring flick. And to say if it would contain the red stuff that it could have been a mediocre horror.Gore 0/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 0/5 Story 1/5 Comedy 0/5

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When an ancient evil relic is found and brought to an American haunted house, you just know bad things are going to happen. Such is the basis for Ryan Little's House of Fears, a horror film that starts out exceeding every expectation only to fall into general horror clichés and generic devices.The relic, as it is explained, will tap inside the minds of its victims and prey upon their deepest nightmares. So when a group of six friends sneak into the haunted house exhibit a night before the official launch, well, to quote Drowning Pool – "Let the bodies hit the floor!" In perfect horror symmetry, the group of friends consist of three boys and three girls. Two of the girls are half sisters (Corri English and Sandra McCoy) who don't exactly get along. Their relationship is further strained by a male interest (Corey Sevier) who is quasi-seeing one sister, but is willing to give the other one a go. All of this is intended to develop a back story to assist with our attachment to the characters, but in truth, it's just padding to help get the running time up to an 86-minute feature.After the introduction of the fated six (Alice Greczyn, Eliot Benjamin and Michael J. Pagan round out the cast) we watch as each of them reveal their innermost fear and further observe as their nightmares come to life in the forms of killer clowns (not from outer space, unfortunately), a scarecrow and fears of suffocating and claustrophobia. All their fears are realized inside the already spooky haunted/funhouse which adds quite a bit to the atmosphere of the film.The script, penned by Stephen A. Lee and John Lyde, is a good idea which falls prey to tired technique. Thoughts of Wishmaster and Waxwork ran through our head in some of the film's better scenes. The Scarecrow and the tall, bald demon character were particularly unnerving and used very effectively in promoting an aura of fear.But the actions of the characters were just too dumb to keep the momentum built up in any of the action sequences. The six make the usual dumb horror film moves such as splitting up, fighting amongst themselves, shaking when trying to load a gun at an opportune moment and talking about not being able to leave a dead friend behind before trying to save their own skin. Yawn.We couldn't help but think that just a little help from smarter written characters would have propelled House of Fears into the horror geekdom mainstream. After all, we did jump. We did think the nightmare in the form of the demon, the clown and the scarecrow were scary. And we did think the idea of a funhouse being the setting was a device not used often enough in horror.But instead of making House of Fears a must-see, it falls into the 'meh – it's alright' category. Which is a shame

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I've seen some decent, gory sickening cringe worthy horror films. This was not one of them.I never heard of this movie before seeing it last night on netflicks. Now sometimes, some movies skip over the theater release due to grapic scenes directors are unwilling to cut. And some skip the theater release due to being completely a waste of time. This movie was the later.From the very beginning you know exactly what's going to happen. As soon as they enter the haunted house you know Zane will be the first to die. Side note: a movie involving a evil spirited African statue? From watching far to much scooby-doo the first thing i'd do is break that thing. problem solved. no death. This movie is the exact same as all the rest. A group of teenaged, sex driven individuals, who think it would be a good idea to go to an unopened haunted house, with a security guard MIA, seeing creepy things.Spoilerthe ending? really? the only two that survive are the step sister who hate each other? yawn.

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Quickly judging by the brief synopsis and a peek at the picture stills on the back of the DVD cover, "House of Fears" simply looks like just another umpteenth dull new horror slasher with an unoriginal plot, pretty but one-dimensional teen characters and tame and uninspired killing sequences. Well, after watching the whole film, I can safely say that this overall superficial and hastily drawn impression is … completely accurate. Sad but true, "House of Fears" is as dumb and derivative as it looks, and I simply cannot believe that in this day and age – with an horror offer that is already supersaturated – producers are still willing to put money into projects like these. The set-up couldn't be more clichéd and the last time I've seen such a big collection of stereotypical characters was in the early 80's. We have the group of quintessential teens including: the wannabe funny guy who can't score with the chicks, the vainglorious pretty sister, the timid and nerdy sister who's actually a major babe if you have a closer look, the hunky jock who's a romanticist underneath his macho looks, the black guy who hates and criticizes but meanwhile dates the dumb Paris Hilton look-alike character and – of course – the Paris Hilton look-alike character. All together, they decide to walk out of a party in order to sneak into a nearby carnival attraction before its official opening. Now where have I heard that premise before …? Oh, I remember now, in about three dozen other mediocre horror flicks. The attraction, the House of Fears, supposedly is the best thing out there in carny land. It's a ghost house that guarantees to petrify all of its visitors with statues and images of the twelve most commonly spread phobias, like clowns, knives, spiders etc. Personally, I'm afraid of little people so the house won't scare me. Ha! Anyway, one little relic inside the house will turn the teenagers' night into the ordeal of their life, namely an African mini-statue that actually generates people's deepest fears and brings the monsters to life. I see what you're thinking … How bad can a movie possibly be when it features murderous clowns, pale-skinned undertakers and scarecrow monsters? I honestly don't know, but "House is Fears" is boring, unexciting, stupid and 100% suspense-free. There's a scene early in the film, showing a woman shopping for sinister scenery for the House of Fears in Africa and discovering the cursed statue. This scene is completely irrelevant and I suspect the creators just wanted to showboat like "Hey look, we went on a field trip to make this film!" The acting performances are decent, especially from beauties Corri English and Sandra McCoy, but it's hardly their fault that the characters are too bland and annoying to be memorable. Fans of gory killings and macabre imagery will be tremendously disappointed, as "House of Fears" is the type of horror that wouldn't even upset 12-year-old Hannah Montana fans.

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