Hotel Exotica
Hotel Exotica
R | 01 May 1999 (USA)
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A woman, her husband, her sister and the husband's business partner visit a resort, where stale relationships are rekindled with the help of the hostess and her girls.

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Dr. Gore

*SPOILER ALERT* *SPOILER ALERT* Ripped off again. The so called "Director's cut" version of "Hotel Exotica" is nothing of the sort unless the director really wanted to sell a tame R-rated version. I know this because I had caught the flick on cable many years ago and I can assure you that there's a lot more to the movie than this. One of the sex scenes I really wanted to see again was the one where Landon Hall's sister and Taylor St. Claire meet in the kitchen for a late night rendezvous. In the cable version, this scene rocked on for a good ten minutes. In the DVD I just saw, the scene ends after less than a minute! Taylor St. Claire sticks a piece of ice in the sister's mouth and that's it. That's it?! Wow! What a rip-off! Do not, under any circumstances, buy the "Director's cut" version of this film."Hotel Exotica" is about Landon Hall and her attempts to get her husband interested in her again. They end up at Hotel Exotica with the hopes that sparks will start flying. Her sister tags along and hopes to find something interesting there as well. In the version I saw, nothing interesting is happening at Hotel Exotica. Most of the sex scenes are brief and miss the point. A lot of them have the couples having sex…under the covers! What? That can't be right. Say it isn't so! Who in their right mind films a sex scene with naked bodies hiding under the sheets? "Hotel Exotica" is a complete dud. Don't waste your time.One last thing, one of the reasons I bought this DVD was because I saw that Nikki Fritz was in it. When I saw the credit flash on the screen, "Featuring Nikki Fritz", I knew I was in trouble. Sure enough, Fritz is on the screen for about 20 seconds. It looked like a Fritz clip from some other movie was pasted onto this one. This Fritz deception elevates "Hotel Exotica" to shameless rip-off level. Avoid this hotel at all costs.

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Those of you familiar with Surrender Cinema Films are well aware of what type of film this is. Softcore at its best, well maybe close to it. I have rented the uncut or "director's cut" version of this film and it was not bad. It actually was rather entertaining. When I finally saw this on DVD at a store with the label "directors's cut", I immediately purchased it. I was horrified to find out that this was not the same hot film that I saw but rather a watered down R rated version! If you plan on getting this film, be very careful. The distributor, Shadow, is doing a good job of false advertising. I certainly fell for it. Again don't buy this, even though it says "director's cut"!

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The gorgeous Ahmo Hight, who stole "Insatiable Wives", steals this one, too; although the lovely but very wooden and stiff Landon Hall isn't much of a challenge to start with. Hight and Hall play Rachel and Carly, two sisters who don't look like they'd be related LOL who are unhappy with their sex lives. Rachel has been two-timed by her artist boyfriend (who must be an idiot to not enjoy Rachel's prowess in the sack) and Carly's husband is a good man who's too busy with his career to even need to get down to his birthday suit and...Carly's husband comes up with a place for them to spend the weekend: The Hotel Exotica. However, he's waylaid by business, so Carly takes the rambunctuous Rachel with her. Then the fun begins, with a psychic played by Taylor St. Claire fortelling the futures for their sex lives, along with plenty of steamy sex and lurid fun for the viewer. Eventually Carly's husband and a MFV hunk friend of his make a surprise visit, and it gets very interesting.As with all MFV soft-core erotica, the acting is negligible and the storyline is hackneyed. The "money shots", which are the point of this film being cobbled up, are summed up in two words: Ahmo Hight. Nobody in the history of cinema can say she's put Sharon Stone's sex scenes in "Basic Instinct" to shame but her. Ahmo is a dynamo in the Unrated version of this film; whether man or woman as her partner, she delivers a temperature-rising performance in her sex scenes. Using her athleticism and gymnastics, she makes you forget that this is "simulated sex". Landon Hall, on the other hand, delivers a less than exhilirating ride, which probably explains why her husband isn't itching to bed her. LOLBottom line: it's too bad Ahmo doesn't make these films any more, because she was stellar in the two I've seen with her. She makes this film. I would have liked to see her in a film with Jennifer Burton, that would be a scorching hot film. Good stuff.

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Smooth B

"Hotel Exotica" was the movie that gave me the idea to start writing reviews on IMDB about B-movie/softcore/erotica films. It's just that good. Well, good within its own particular genre!It starts off with Landon Hall (a great looking woman, why isn't she in more movies?) as Carly, a frustrated woman whose significant other can't seem to spend time with her outside of having sex with her. She arranges a romantic weekend in a cozy cottage up in the hills, called "Hotel Exotica." He tells her he can go, but then "something comes up" and he decides not to go.Her sister Rachel, played by the extremely flexible Ahmo Hight, has just caught her boyfriend cheating on her with another woman (played by Nikki Fritz). Rachel volunteers to go on the trip with Carly instead, and they become overwhelmed by the sexual energy in the's almost like a bordello!Then comes the psychic, played by Taylor St. Clair (yes, I do mean the porn star). She has an awesome sex scene with Rachel in the kitchen, where Rachel does the first of her many splits. Now that is some flexibility!Eventually, Carly's hubby comes down, and he brings his business partner along with him. This causes Rachel to drool. You know where this is going before it even happens!Whereas Carly seems to be more low-key sexually, Rachel has this "I know you want me, so come do me" attitude about her the entire movie. She just emits this aura of sexuality. Everything about her is sexy. Ahmo plays this character so effortlessly you'd think she was playing herself.Carly has some rather uninspiring sex scenes, featuring her mostly on her back looking aimlessly in the air. She's not really into it at all. I don't know whether it's because of her character or something else.Rachel's sex scenes are, athletic. She bends over backwards, does splits, puts her legs over her head, and all kinds of other body-twisting activities. The last sex scene she does in the movie is some of the most vigorous sex I've seen on the screen in a long time.The story is simple, yet effective. Not much else you can say about that.All in all, it's a well-rounded movie with good looking women, great sex scenes, and just the right amount of story mixed in. This is probably what you'd look for in a movie in this genre.Sex: A+ Women: A Story: A Overall: A+

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