Hot Dog... The Movie
Hot Dog... The Movie
R | 13 January 1984 (USA)
Hot Dog... The Movie Trailers

When a hopeful young American hot-dogger goes pole-to-pole with an arrogant Austrian pro, the snow really starts to fly! But as hot as it is on the mountain, it gets even hotter off when the pro's ex-girlfriend sets her eyes on the new blood. Who'll win the competition and the girl? Only a race to end all races can determine which skier can really cut the mustard!


Hot Dog is one of the best movies ever. If you're on a high-school or college ski team, if you are a fan of the eighties, if you like movies with a formulaic plot to support gratuitous nudity and zany fun (think: Hardbodies; in this case ski-fun), this is a movie for you. For all skiers out there, this is really a must see: "Yah, ze Chinese downhill. It is ze ohnly vay." is a phrase that never goes out of style. Even without the phrase, if you've ever skied a Chinese downhill, you need to know it's origin. Great as a drinking game (so many fun recurring elements to drink to: squirrel's nose cream, nudity, "Ruudy," Dan mixing a drink...) or as an apres ski tonic. If you're uptight or like movies for good acting, plotting, or direction, you can skip it, but if you like fun and skiing... it doesn't get any better. Also educational: learn about the history of freestyle skiing (ballet's gone the way of the dinosaur, but aerials persist in the olympics). This movie was remade in the nineties as a pretentious PG-13 called Aspen Extreme, which is unintentionally funny, but stick with the original. I have seen this movie many times, but I bought it when I found it on eBay so I could watch it over and over again.

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It is not the greatest movie of all time, but it hits where it supposed to. It's just a fun loving 80's movie that doesn't take itself seriously. It has laughs and stupidity through out. It has the up and coming rookie, the veteran and his group, the bad guys, the love interest and the other love interest who causes problems. Sure it's not a complicated plot, but the characters are developed to an extent you see in comedies and you get to know them. In a lot of ways it gets more laughs then todays teenage comedies like Dodgeball or Zoolander. You are not suppose to take it seriously. Sometimes you really just have to see a movie for what it is. And this one hits the mark.

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This movie is a blast if you are looking for a stupid 80s ski movie. Very similar to police academy and other dumb fun movies. So if you love the ski and are familiar with Squaw Valley (you should recognize some features) this is a fun 90 minutes. I saw as a kid and to this day still remember it and think fondly of it. I loved the skiing and this really did a good job of displaying the original Freestyle back when Ballet was still included as well as athletes having to do it all not just one event. If you have ever hung out with a 70s early eighties pro circuit racer you can totally see that in this movie. For once a film did a good job of building personality. A very cookbook style but still fun movie.

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Sounds like the person above has a thing for David Naughton... how sad. This movie is basically "Porky's & Caddyshack" set in the snowy mountains. This is not the kind of movie you are expecting a plot from, the soundtrack ain't bad. If you like skiing, hot babes, needless nudity, a good laugh, HOT DOG - THE MOVIE is for you! Shannon Tweed is hot... 'nuff said. Great ski sequences of some CRAZY stunts, 80's B-rated t&a throughout.... Rent it or buy it, sit down & take a load off. And if you don't agree with my write up... "you can kiss my a**, not on the right side, not on the left side... but right down the middle (quote taken directly from the movie). CHEERS!

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