| 24 October 2002 (USA)
Hostage Trailers

The Driver is hired by the FBI to help defuse a hostage situation. A disgruntled employee has kidnapped a CEO and has hidden her, demanding $5,088,042. The Driver delivers the money, writing the sum on his hand as instructed by the hostage taker. After he is told that he holds the life of a person in his hand, he is ordered to burn the money. As he complies, the federal agents break in and attempt to subdue the man, who shoots himself in the head before he reveals where the woman is hidden. The Driver then tries to find the hostage before she drowns in the trunk of a sinking car. As a twist, the kidnapped woman is revealed to be the hostage taker's lover. She coldly taunts the dying man in the hospital.


This is not as good as the first series as the second series is directed by Ridley and the late Tony Scott brothers. As it returns Clive Owen as the Driver. As he must help the feds track down a kidnapped woman in a car. Only linked by her cellphone in the trunk.While the feds get the kidnapper, he is the one that has to do all of the dirty work in tracking her down. Despite cops going after him. He manages to track her down before she drowns. And as the kidnapper is in a coma about to die, after he shot himself in the head while being nabbed by the feds.Still not as good as in the first series. But you have to love that car afterwards a Z Roadster!

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Those words pretty much start off this nine minute BMW commercial with Clive Owen back as "The Driver."He must race to help a kidnapped victim escape from the trunk of a car with only a cell phone to talk to her.Famed Hong Kong director John Woo made this film, and that's pretty surprising considering it IS basically one long commercial.But I'll be darned if it isn't one of the best commercials I've ever seen.4/5 stars -John Ulmer

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I don't know who in BMW is responsible for the "Hire" series but this is the best advertising I've ever seen. No longer are we bombarded with logos and SELL SELL SELL BUY BUY BUY images. Rather, we get a nifty little story that really doesn't make much sense, but it's all in good fun. Other companies need to try this approach.

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I've been a huge fan of the BMW Film Series "The Hire" since the first season that was produced by David Fincher (Seven, Fight Club). These latest three episodes were produced by Ridley Scott (Blade Runner, Gladiator). It's a match made in movie-fan heaven: Hollywood's hottest directors, Britain's coolest actor, and Germany's most kick-ass cars!"Hostage" is directed by John Woo, the action virtuoso who brought us "The Killer," "A Better Tomorrow" and "Face/Off." Although John Woo is famous for his ballistic shootouts, he is also quite adept at doing drama. This short film showcases that to perfection, with flawed characters and a delicious surprise twist at the end.This short film rocks in the action department! You get to see The Driver do all sorts of cool maneuvers in this one, including a 180 then driving high-speed in reverse, a 12-foot-high car jump, and he even out-drives a fleet of police cars!For the best action in the "The Hire" series, I recommend "Hostage" along with "Ambush" and "Ticker." "Powder Keg" has the best drama and "Star" is the funniest one in the series. I can't wait for Tony Scott's "Beat the Devil" to come out!

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