Hooking Up
Hooking Up
NR | 06 March 2009 (USA)
Hooking Up Trailers

After "hooking up" with a series of guys at a house party, April is the talk of her high school.

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Paul Magne Haakonsen

You would assume that from the looks of this movie that it is going to be yet another of those generic teenage comedies. But this is so far from it. You wonder just how this movie came about into existence. The storyline was as atrocious as the acting was.This movie was nothing more than director Vincent Scordia's chance to show of sexual exploits without actually delving into the adult industry. The storyline was so unfathomably weak that it got lost along the way of trying to put sexual exploits to the screen.The acting in "Hooking Up" was just as non-existing as the storyline, and it was hard to think why the actors and actresses would agree upon to being in this movie after having read the script. And Corey Feldman was of course the main attractor on the cast list, but wow, are you kidding me? This was just painful to witness. Not amongst my favorite of actors, sure, not by a long shot, and not since "Friday the 13th part IV" has I stumbled upon anything impressive from him.Running at an hour and thirty-five minutes, this movie is one to avoid at all costs. Take heed to the low rating it scored here on IMDb and give it a wide berth. Some of us suffered through this atrocity of a movie so the rest of you don't have to.

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This movie is a brilliant combination of hilarity and drama. It is a story of a group of friends and their sexual woes. The side story shows the hardships of abusive relationships. Corey Feldman and Parker Croft give two of the most compelling and riveting performances to date. The sexual scenes of the movie are tastefully done. The nudity is not over the line and allows for some mystery. However there are two major flaws. Firstly there is more plot in porn than in this movie, and secondly the budget for this movie was probably the amount of money it took to pay Corey Feldman. The soundtrack is weak as it is one guitar riff that plays over and over again. I am fairly certain the crew walked around a neighborhood to break into houses they could film in. Overall the movie is a glorified home movie, but it is so bad that it is fun to watch.

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This is the worst piece of crap in the pants movie I've ever seen. You ever watch Blood Rayne? That movie is a masterpiece in comparison. Corey Feldman is a giant douche. The female characters are retarded weak. The skinny guy and his friend are the only good quality of this movie...But it's more because of the individual actors than anything else. The production quality is fair.The screenplay is horrible. Jeff Seigel should stay a production assistant because he sucks as a writer. This movie is garbage. I'm actually upset that my day has been ruined by just watching this movie.Oh, and I almost forgot to mention, the movie doesn't really end. It just kind of stops...Which I was happy about, but the fact that their is no real story to it at all probably greatly contributes to its overall crapping. Their is no conflict, or rising action, or resolution. It's is just an hour and a half of vomit inducing crap.I've had more fun pissing blood than watching any part of this movie.Oh, and two of these reviews, the one from the Cohen guy, and the one from the Jacob Hester guy are probably people who were involved with the movie, and are full of baloney. (The Cohen guy's email address starts with info...I'm guessing info @ hooking up movie .com.)

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Im not a perverted pig by any means at all but this movie is so full of sexual content you would think there would be a little more nudity, but no. I was so bored with this movie that i actually fast forwarded to any parts that may have had nudity in them. Granted these teens were portrayed as under the age of 18 the funny thing is they show the actress that is portraying the youngest teen in the movie. This movie flat out sucks harder than the chick who give BJs through it, at least she was hot, the only good part about this movie. Corey Feldman is, was, and always will be a douche for making this movie, even though he was one before.

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