| 02 December 2005 (USA)
Homecoming Trailers

A hotshot White House speech writer deals with the publicity nightmare of his life when recently deceased soldiers return from beyond the grave.


This is not political movie, it doesn't tell you to vote for democrats or anyone, it is just anti war film... Personally I hate zombie movies, I hate horrors, I haven never seen any good horror film, they were never scary for me, there is no horror masterpiece in my opinion, nor any masterpiece film in which people get killed, I am not hippie, but I like to see artistic films, I hardly find any film that I like, and I liked this one very much... some people here said that this film is not subtle, well it should not be, it should scream in your ears WAR is WRONG...and some said that poorly made films should not send any message, well, maybe this movie is not high quality, but his message is, and this message should exist everywhere, especially today, when people are getting blinder every day...well I don't think anything will open minds of these people, because they refuse to open them, well only when people extinct then this world will be clean from us, we are so apathetic and suicidal, nothing will help us... At least, I will say thank to this film, THANK YOU FOR TRYING, in this world where no body cares any more...

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This is what I look for in a horror film. This is exactly what I want in my horror. I want to see a film that doesn't skimp on the scare factor, but can add Comedy and drama at the same time. This film has some of the best moments I've seen in a horror flick for quite some time. Now I know what you're saying, why am I calling it a film when it is really just an hour long TV show? Well this, to me anyway, is a film, they just showed it on TV. It's so wonderfully shot and everything is just superb. They had great moments of horror (When one of the Zombies beat a guys head into a table, that was a shocker), brilliant subtle comedy (Putting an 'I Voted' sticker on a corpse just after it died) and some wonderful dramatic scenes (The old couple looking after a zombie who reminded them of their son brought me to tears). And it is political and it does it well. It makes it's political point and doesn't hold back on it, it never apologises for it's views and that's why I love it.

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I was a little apprehensive about 'Homecoming' at first. In the intro, it seems like a typical zombie horror, but with a feisty female lead. This is quickly turned entirely around - the zombies are anything but typical, and the aforementioned female character is so horrible, dishonest and slutty that you will want to reach into the TV and slap her in the face.For a 'Masters of Horror' episode, it actually contains very little horror, instead focusing on the characters, something which other episodes have (mistakenly) ignored. Also unusually, it has some genuinely touching scenes, and will really make you think about the central issues of war and a corrupt government.All in all, a fantastic episode. I would have given it 10 out of 10, but the final scene (or shot, really) is kind of funny. And it wasn't meant to be. Apart from that one little thing it was great.

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I can get over the political parody; even if this was SUPPOSE to be a "Masters of Horror" flick.But, what I can't get over is the blatant usage of our war heroes (and their sacrifice) as pawns in some washed up horror maker's political statement.To me it was purely insulting to desecrate Arlington, and our heroes. I have family at Arlington. The idea that this guy (Dante) would even portray the Arlington graves being disturbed just makes me want to puke.I'm done with Dante, and done with MOH.

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