Home Sweet Home
Home Sweet Home
| 01 January 2011 (USA)
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After going broke, Gwen Stevens is forced to return to her abandoned childhood home hoping to pick up the pieces of her life. Among the relics and memories of her past, she discovers someone is living in the house and they don't want to leave. In the New Mexico desert, miles from safety, Gwen must fight to protect the only thing she has left. Her life.

John Doe

Home Sweet Home is a 2012 thriller film directed by John K.D. Graham and was written by Alexandra Boylan, Andrew Boylan and John K.D. Graham. This is a really good movie that I enjoyed watching, it is dark and thrilling and leaves you on the edge of your seat.The story centers around a young woman named Gwen Stevens (played by Alexandra Boylan) who has gone broke and is forced to move back to her childhood home, however it seems that after accidentally bumping a young couples car, they now want her revenge by talking Gwen's home (it is assumed that is why is is never fully explained.) This couple is Kristy (played by Raquel Cantu) and Van (played by Christopher Dempsey) who are two psychos taunt on terrorizing Gwen and (then killing her by stabbing her in the neck with a pocket knife) her sister Naomi (played by Lorena Segura York) that is when Gwen takes matters into her own hands.John K.D. Graham is a fantastic director who really knows how to draw you in to the story and keep you there. He leaves no loose ends and has everything tied up nicely at the end of the film. Alexandra Boylan is a extremely good actress who really knows how to act very well and makes you feel scared right along with her. With a small cast and and story it manages to get it's job done as a low budget independent film. The film also has a really good soundtrack provided by John Courage. I give Home Sweet Home a 9/10.

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Rob Borgnino

At first, I was warned that this movie should be skipped, but on further investigation, it turned out that the person warning me had viewed another "Home Sweet Home," that I suppose was released around the same time. I'm glad he was mistaken, because this movie delivered.Let's get one thing straight: this is an independent movie, so don't rent or buy it thinking that there will be Johnny Depp battling Transformers on another planet inhabited by the Na'vi. But, unlike a lot of other "Independent Films," this movie had blockbuster-type rhythm and suspense, that lasts for almost two full acts.The directing and cinematography were very raw-felling - something I think worked very well for the overall look. And the acting, although limited in the script to a lot of screaming, crying and intimidation, had a lot of subtleties to it that very few horror movies (even though I consider this more of a suspense-thriller) usually have. And guys - if your wife or girlfriend want to watch a scary movie, this movie still has plenty of great eye candy.I think the ending was my favorite part. No spoilers here, but let's just say I had a good conversation with my friend about it afterwards. Really well done.This was overall a solid rental. I'll probably even buy it. Glad to see that movies with potential are still finding a voice in today's distribution marketplace.

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Unique home invasion style flick that has two front and center female characters as the heroine and the psychopath. Shot in New Mexico with some gorgeous SW vistas, this movie almost moves like a stylish art film / dream like and not the typical by the numbers horror / thriller.What got me on this, was the two female leads playing such polar opposites. As a writer who won a screenplay award for stronger roles for women in film, I was thrilled to see this in HOME SWEET HOME. It's always nice to see the hero being played as a "strong woman", but it was even cooler to see the "complete bonkers" role played by a woman as well, where that is usually dominated by men and the women are left as the stupid sidekick. Tables turned around here....the male role is the "stupid" sidekick. Nicely played out by the filmmakers Alexandra Boylan and John KD Graham.Not overly brutal as some home invasion flicks can be, but there is a nice spat of brutality towards the end, LOL.Cinematography is very "dreamlike" with great SW vistas, as I said earlier. Soundtrack moves from creepy ambiance (always a winner for me) to what I thought sounded like South Western rock....cool.

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Home Sweet Home, directed by John K.D. Graham, is a cracking good psychological suspense and terror feature film adorned with cold-blooded and unexpected murders, filmed in remote New Mexico desert. Raquel Cantu plays Kristi, a ditzy but ruthless armed psychopath, accompanied by her criminal boyfriend. She gives us some comic moments early on. But in a change of mood, Graham skillfully uses Kristi's unpredictability to maintain a high level of tension that grips the audience throughout the movie. I found Krisi's weirdness one of the best aspects of the movie.The two terrorize Gwen (Alexandra Boylan) to drive her out of her home. You must see the movie to discover how Boylan digs deep into her acting talent to transform the terrified Gwen into a woman determined to survive and regain what is hers.Suffice to say I found the uneven conflict that ensues to be the spellbinding core of the movie with its twists and its variations of pace from creepy to violent, the outcome ever in doubt. Nothing dull here.Among the 3 leading characters, Kristi appears early in the film and her character is rather more strongly developed than the others, but her craziness seems to make her not quite real as an adult human: well, she's a psychopath. Her boyfriend (Dempsey) puts on a persuasive performance, and Boylan is very strong and totally convincing in a difficult role.I loved the south New Mexico desert and small-town scenes: few movies are made in that area, so Home Sweet Home did not have that stereotyped western look for a change. Instead, it has its own look and its unique story line. It's good to see emerging indie filmmakers with their own ideas succeed in what they set out to do! Evidently they did not try to make an arty film, but instead a breakout thriller in their own style, and in that they succeeded! Look for these names again.The movie took awards at the Albuquerque film festival where I saw it, and FYI is now available for pre-order on Amazon (search Movies and TV for "Home Sweet Home DVD"). Release and delivery from Amazon will be on June 4th. 2013.

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