| 31 July 2011 (USA)
Hollow Trailers

An old monastery in a small, remote village in Suffolk, England has been haunted by a local legend for centuries. Left in ruin and shrouded by the mystery of a dark spirit that wills young couples to suicide, the place has been avoided for years, marked only by a twisted, ancient tree with an ominous hollow said to be the home of great evil. When four friends on holiday explore the local folklore, they realize that belief in a myth can quickly materialize into reality, bringing horror to life for the town.


Resembles Blair Witch Project which I've never seen. All the hand held camera shots do not work. There is a reason professional actors are paid so much. They are good. These amateur actors, if you can call them that, are awful. I watched first 1/2 hour and bailed. This is a complete waste of time.

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HOLLOW is the British version of THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT, or should I say the British rip-off because this is a complete riff on that classic film. Of course, it's nowhere near as good, but fans of the found footage genre might enjoy a few spooky moments here and there.For the most part, though, this is a missed opportunity. This film was especially interesting to me given that I was involved in my own BLAIR WITCH-style spoof back in the day and I had a lot of fun making it. Plus the locations are dear to my heart, and this was filmed just up the road from me. What a shame that for 90% of the running time the viewer is stuck with a quartet of detestable characters who alternate between boring and stupid. We're stuck with them as they argue, snort coke, and generally waste time until the next scare scene.There is good stuff here, involving creepy foxes and some wonderfully evoked rural locations - that tree and the ruins are atmospheric without the film-makers even trying - but it's lost in a welter of average acting and sheer mediocrity. When the horror hits, there's way too much deafening screaming and the scares feel oddly diluted. In retrospect, I'd stick with THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT.

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The movie deals with two couples who go to a cabin in the countryside of Suffolk, United Kingdom. One of the young women comes from the area, and in fact is the reason why they came to Suffolk in the first place. Her grandfather used to be the vicar of the area and headed a church. Soon enough they find out that there is a scary tree near the cabin.Apparently the tree is evil or something like that. It's never made clear if the tree is evil since there are continuously people killing themselves by hanging, or if the legend of the monk that apparently had sex with some squire's daughter is true. You know about as much as I do, and I watched the freaking thing from start to finish. But somehow, the scary tree and/or ghost monk aren't even the focus of the film. No, it's actually about one guy trying to break up two newlyweds, the girl of which used to be his girlfriend. Yeah, I'm just as lost as you are.It's found footage, which means shaky cam, crying women (made worse by the fact that one has freaking asthma) and NO ACTUAL CREATURES.I was so bored with this movie that I ended up cleaning up my room rather than paying attention. 1 point for the cute girl in the lead.

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Four twenty-somethings—Emma (Emily Plumtree), her fiancé Scott (Matt Stokoe), her best friend James (Sam Stockman), and his girlfriend Lynne (Jessica Ellerby)—take a holiday in the countryside where an evil presence lurks inside an ancient, hollow oak tree, preying on negative thoughts, causing relationships to crumble and ultimately driving victims to a terrible fate.Hollow has been described as the British Blair Witch Project, which is another way of saying that it is a complete and utter rip-off of the 1999 found footage 'classic', only set in rural Suffolk, England. And if, like me, you weren't all that impressed by Blair Witch, then I think it's highly unlikely that you'll enjoy this one either.With four characters experiencing relationships issues, it proves extremely tedious. What's more boring than watching people wander aimlessly round the countryside in the dark? Watching them doing it while bickering, that's what! After an hour-and-a-half of following the unlikeable quartet as they investigate the local legend of Greyfriar's Hollow (as the tree is known), snort coke, argue, get lost, and become scared of their own shadows, you'll be longing for them all to die. Which they do, of course.*2/10, plus one point for the gratuitous nudity from blonde hottie Ellerby (whose character is so dumb she doesn't think to wipe the tape when filmed in the bathroom), but minus one for for the contrived manner in which a good length of stout rope, so vital to the film's final scene, is shoe-horned into the script (really, who the hell uses rope for securing luggage to a roof-rack when bungee cords and tie down straps work so much better?).*NOT a spoiler, since we are told that they all die in the very first scene.

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