Hobbs End
Hobbs End
| 14 May 2002 (USA)
Hobbs End Trailers

A young widow who lives in an isolated region is visited by a charming serial killer who has unusual psychic gifts.


This had to be one of the gabbiest movies I have ever seen. Talk, talk, talk....talk. This is then interspersed with over the top acting and characters that it is hard to give any care for because of how cold they seem. If you are looking for something different in the serial killer/horror genre this is a good movie to view if you have some patience with ham acting and way too much dialog.The actors and especially the lead actress is pleasant to look at except that she seemed more cast for those of us 35 and above and not those 20 and under like most mad slasher movies and the very buxom and often very underclad teens like in the Halloween, Jason, Scream, Freddy, Chucky, and other teen scream movies.

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thank you for your review lizzie, i wish i would have read it before watching that awful film. although i did fast forward through the last half since i was so bored with nonsense conversation. nice cover art, bad movie.

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***SPOILERS*** ***SPOILERS*** Me and my friend were really bored and decided to go to Hollywood video to pick out some movies. Well we found a bunch of movies on sale for 2 bucks, so we're all, okay let's pick some out. So she picked out this really bad one with Jay Leno as the star of the movie (that was entertaining enough)And I picked up this..this neat looking movie hobbs end (Come on, it had a chainsaw on the front!)I must say this is one of the worst movies that I have ever seen. The beginning is really strange, the woman's talking to herself most of the time. I thought the part that was bizzare was when she (catarina) starts sniffing the air, and said "something stinks, it's you isn't it" (to the psycho killer guy) "you need a bath." And then the guy says: "Would it be okay if I took a bath?" And then she says "isn't your timing a little off?" Ummm okay. This is how the movie goes the WHOLE TIME! I started laughing when he started stabbing his arm..that was really classic. Another classic part is when he tells the woman that he has "feelings" for her after 3 hours of knowing her. Well I don't want to blow the movie for you, it's a must see (yeah right) Major BLUNDERS: THERE IS NO CHAINSAW. Okay, I have no idea what the cover has to do with the movie. Another blunder: Who'se that guy creeping around the house, the starwarsy guy. I have no idea!!!!! All I know is that he ends up dead. My mom says it's "Obscenely Insipid" I'm making everyone watch this movie, because it's so painful. I could go on about this forever, but I think you'll have to see it for yourself. It makes me laugh just thinking about it.

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Clint Walker

It's hard to express sometimes just how bad a motion picture is. I mean after all, haven't we ALL had someone come up to us and say, "It's the WORST motion picture I've ever seen?" After a while, the term really doesn't have much meaning anymore.While I can't quite say that this is the worst horror film I've ever seen (after seeing literally thousands of them, that honor I give to "Rat Man" with "Beast in the Cellar" ranking a close runner up), it certainly does rank up there in the top bracket of lameness which I usually reserve for older films (for some reason I expect modern day direct-to-video horror movies to suck).So what's wrong with it? Well, first of all it fails a usually sturdy horror movie concept (self-reliant woman fights for her life in an isolated rural setting against one or multiple assilaints). Here we get an endless 100 minutes of an unappealing actor trying to hide he's a psychopath (a character as supposedly smart as the woman in this movie should have been able to tell after her first conversation with him, but like the rest of the movie, she remains stone still with a concerned look on her face while he has any number of freak outs), mixed with clumsily directed murder scenes, and an ridiculously repetitive and drawn-out final twenty minutes.oh yeah, and there's some stuff about this guy being a shape shifting, mind-reading serial killer who may be possessed by the spirit of some kind of dead prospector who has cursed the valley. Oh man...For better entries in this sub-genera (I'm picking more obscure ones) try, "Death Weekend," "Fortress," or even "Rituals" even though that last one is more of a "Deliverance" copy than anything else.

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