| 17 December 2008 (USA)
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A modern day Bonnie and Clyde - with a twist - that follows two lovers down a path of destruction, mayhem, and murder as they live in a world where it is acceptable to take whatever they want with murderous consequences.


Through-out this movie, I was amazed at how the images looked on the screen, the use of color and light. I know, as an audience member, we're not really supposed to notice that sort of stuff, but I did and it added.Before seeing this movie, I was complete ignorant about Rachel Miner (Betty) and Christian Kane (Billy). The story focuses on them, revolves around them, and is told in a series of flashbacks. The opening scene is remarkably compelling before revealing that it's actually a flashback.Meanwhile, this modern day Bonnie and Clyde are a couple worth watching. Rachel Miner's Betty is a joy against Christian Kane's Billy. I don't know if that's Miner's natural accent, but if it isn't, she's spot on. Same is true of Kane's, though Miner's is sweet music through-out. She's one bad-assed chick.Spoiler alert: The ending is a bit wonky. Takes a moment to sort it all out and put things into perspective and then you feel a bit cheated as you realize, "okay, so most of that never really happened then, it's just his punishment?"

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Jay Steves

I really thought this move started out good, and it wasn't having any problems keeping me glued to the screen...And then the script did a complete 180. It was almost impossible to know what was going on by the end. The thing that gets me is, it didn't have to be that way. The story had a good premise, with plenty of different avenues to go, and the way it was handling Billy's character arc after Betty broke him out of prison was fun and original. In addition, I really wanted to see what they would do with the money, and if Billy would eventually be able to change Betty's outlook on life. Instead, it felt like a cop-out. Either that or they ran out of cash. For example, once they hit the abandoned town, they never left that location. Sure they go in the "diner" and the "church" but those were both pretty lame settings. This, as opposed to the first half of the movie were we go from a jail, to a motel, to a long country highway, to an old gas station in the middle of the desert. Maybe I'm just bummed out because it had so much potential, and it hits act 3 and just craps out. In all honesty, even after reading other people's opinions and input, the ending just doesn't add up for me. I mean, if the directors intent was to make us realize that Billy is really dead, and he has to constantly relive killing the people he loves, well then, the director did a awful job. I say this because, he's completely cu cu and insane by the time he's killing Betty. For god sakes, the guys smiling, and obviously enjoying it! If he is supposed to be in agony, stop having so much fun, and being so sadistic about it. I think it would have been more effective if he would have been more emotional (maybe if he cried while killing Betty.) Also, we don't actually get to see him kill her either, and I was really looking forward to it.Just a side note, everyone else has mentioned the Tarantino style being evident, and I'm not going to argue that . But, I just want to say that Quentin doesn't have a copyright on witty dialogue mixed with gritty violence. That said, the whole not showing Betty getting killed, reminded me of the cutting the ear off scene in Reservoir Dogs, when the camera pans away instead of showing the act itself, except, in the case of Hide, it was completely ineffective. If your going to throw us a curve ball ending like that, at least let us see the hot blonde get stabbed to death.

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I came to this site and read the reviews hoping to gain some insight into what the twist at the end was. There was no twist! He told you straight up what happened. The part that gets confusing is "when did he die?" He died when he was bouncing around the transport van.Try it this way. She died in the shoot out, he went to jail. While being moved the transport van was in an accident and he died. His soul went to hell. For the rest of eternity his soul is in replay mode with the TWIST of her breaking him out instead of him dying in the car accident. To torture him he has to do bad things to the two people he loved in life, his sister and his Betty.Anyone not willing to consider Hell or its tortures as a real possibility will have trouble catching that. The funny thing is that so many people that would watch this movie in the first place are so wrapped up in the fantasy of Hollywood that they fail to face the consequences of their own realities. Which is much the reason that the writers put this story together. The same reason why Billy was talking about small towns versus big cities.

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watched this movie tonight, it was very very dry...we almost turned it off............................but we figured to keep going.......boy was it a mistake............... the acting.............sucked...............the plot...............well it was more of a made for TV movie based on a true story............... if you value any sec of your time...don't watch this...i want my time back but will never get it....just say no to indy films...they all suck...they are just like this... I was asking my wife.."do you think they got paid for this?? like the main actors" we figured maybe like a few hundred a week? awful awful stuff.. I don't know why I keep seeing crappy movies but there are just so many of them!!!!!!!!!

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