Hell and Back
Hell and Back
R | 02 October 2015 (USA)
Hell and Back Trailers

Two best friends set out to rescue their pal after he's accidentally dragged to hell.

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Zach Weandesh

It is a mystery to me how anyone could have looked at this script, then thought it might be a good idea to hire good voice actors and go through the painstakingly process of creating a stop-motion animation. The result is the cinematic equivalent of building a house on sand. Only one joke in the entire movie made me laugh. Every other joke was some form of gross-out-joke, sexual joke or 'it is funny because they swear' kind of joke. Not that I have trouble with humor that does this, but not only the entire movie is based on that kinds of jokes, they are also written so poorly. It feels like this script was coughed up by a pair of stoned film students as a side project. There isn't even really a story to speak of, just a series of loosely connected scenes that have a vague resemblance of a plot. The movie actually gets better for a while, if you set your internal commentary to those two film students writing their script: "Dude... and the the devil is like... putting then into the trap door, because his hot angel girlfriend he tries to impress is coming to visit him... and then the angel says she is looking for those dudes, but they are already gone and as he opens the trap door again, there is all sorts of funny stuff that comes back up..."

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Seriously, if The Devil had a review for "Hell and Back" it would be given a big whopping ZERO! And let me start by saying one of my all time favorite films is Evil Dead. And to have this movie take a scene(even if they didn't get it from Evil Dead) was a big slap to my face. It was like stealing a joke and trying to add on to it and thinking it was the best joke they came up with when truly it was garbage.Short review here- Try Fantastic Four(2015) first, if you like that, then waste your time here as well! For both are awful!The movie was about a hour and thirty minutes, but felt like I was in Hell all along, eternal damnation. I was so thankful that it did end! Knowing I wasn't in Hell, but maybe that was the point all along, a movie so bad it made you feel like you were in Hell. But regardless, every single joke, if you call them jokes, stupid. Hold on, let me find a bigger word, GODAWFUL! Hah! I believe it was twice, it showed The Devil crying from a book. Actually tears rolling down it. I truly want to believe that The Devil was crying for how he was portrayed in the movie. At how bad the movie was. I mean, can you imagine making this movie, and having it turn out The Devil is truly alive and you get sent to Hell thanks to being the writer and director for this movie? I mean good luck to the director, writer, whoever had a part of creating this movie. Because he will not go easy on them like they showed within the movie."Welcome to Hell" - Demons. All the demons would say that, if you ask me, maybe the movie was bad on purpose to show this is what Hell really is. But I highly doubt they meant for that, so I gave it a one star, and by God I haven't done that in awhile!! From the start, the very start it became annoying and horrendous. I don't think I cracked a smile throughout the entire film. Needless to say, one part of the movie I did chuckle. A part I don't even remember, but it got one small chuckle from me. Otherwise I was wondering when the movie would be over. "Migraines in Hell are really bad."- Remy. Watching the movie was Hell. Having a migraine thanks to the movie equals Migraine in Hell. That quote spoke to me. Lot of random scenes, conversations, music especially, and just nothing felt right. Felt like they were talking fast and rushing the movie going from one part to the next. But kept adding more and more when you think the bloody movie was gonna end. Ton of stupid F bombs, sex jokes that were outdated, a slow mo part that had me wonder how I made it this far. Horrible stop animation. A movie that could have gone somewhere, but was destroyed. Plot/Story is what caught my attention, that and dark humor. Crushed is a good word to use after watching the movie and realizing this is what we got. The cast, which I hate to say about the actors and actresses, but I couldn't stand any of them. Bob Odenkirk was a supreme lawyer in Breaking Bad, but as the Devil? Kinda just annoyingly stupid. Mila Kunis is on a bad movie streak, coming also from Jupiter Ascending(EWW!) in the same year. All the other actors and actresses were either annoying to hear their voices or just couldn't stand them. Almost every single one of them I try to avoid because they all have the same character in all their films/jokes. In conclusion, because I rather just stop myself now, the movie was a waste. A waste of time to me. A waste of money to make. A waste of space on IMDb. Start to finish, a crappy introduction, migraine throughout the middle, and complete let down for an ending. Thanks for reading the review and hopefully you read it before watching the film!!

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I have never seen so much talent go to waste with possibly one of the most unfunny, uninspired, boring, empty hollow script I have ever seen. How did this get green lit who in their right mind would read this script and sacrifice all their time, effort and talent to be in this? I honestly wonder if they are personally ashamed of themselves.These writers so thick in the head actually think adult humour is nothing but spamming the f word and saying penis over and over again. That's the movie there's not even a story to fall back on.It is the most desperate attempt of adult jokes I've ever seen. And That's the only thing the films going for…. Nothing else but telling jokes which is an awful decision for ANY filmThis is what someone would assume South Park/Superbad were like just by a quick glance. Without understanding there's more depth to the raunchy jokes. Nothing in the script works, the characters are empty one dimensional shells just to tell a joke... One character is an unlikable jerk, another one is fat, another one smokes weed, and another one is horny..... HAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHHAH!!! The story is stretched so thin and one of those, "setup with nothing else going for it" type of films.The most disgusting part of this movie is it's advertised as an adult film while it treats us like children. When in reality most mainstream animated films are pretty mature in the first place. So what is this trying to prove?The best thing I can say about the film is like I said, the voice talent, animation, set design and art direction. Its perfect proof that great presentation can never save an abysmal script and It will ruin the experience for pretty much everyone. This film is an insult to those who pulled their weight and put effort in this project.I'm actually sorry about saying all those awful things about, Grown Ups 2, Jack and Jill, Doogal, Not Cool and even Tusk. Those movies are freaking masterpieces compared to this thing and that is saying a lot. This movie just ticked me off.... Because literally in the first 6 minutes of this 86 MINUTE MOVIE I was already done and regretting my decision to sit through this..... I persisted at 1.5 speed and it still was torture. Glad this was a flop and how nobody knows about it.Everyone involved should be personally ashamed of themselves. This film appeals to nobody….This is the worst stop motion movie I've ever seen and the worst movie I've seen in my entire life as of 1/11/16. (Coming from 1000+ films)1/10 And that 1 point is just to be generous to the people who tried to make the best out of this.

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