He Knows You're Alone
He Knows You're Alone
R | 29 August 1980 (USA)
He Knows You're Alone Trailers

A reluctant bride-to-be is stalked by a serial killer who only kills brides and the people around them. While her friends get whacked one by one, a hard-boiled renegade cop whose bride had been killed years before tries to hunt the killer down before it is too late.


If you were not aware of it, this was Tom Hanks very first film where he received a film ending credit. I guess a lot of future stars made their debut in a low budget stinker of a wannabe horror film. In this film the director, Armand Mastroianni, just would not relent in his attempt to build up suspense and then continually let us down with a simple "oh, you have got to be kidding! Again?" The young and attractive actress Caitlin O'Heaney who plays the bride to be Amy Jensen believes she has a stalker following her and her friends and recent acquaintances are being murdered one by one by her unknown stalker which we get a few glimpses of, but who is he?I honestly felt as if I was sitting on my royal throne constipated, waiting for something to happen, and as my suspense is displaced with discomfort waiting for a long overdue bowel movement suddenly I hear a little plop and realize the plop results in nothing more than the size of a peanut which has caused so much discomfort. In the case of "He Knows You're Alone" the agony continues throughout the 94 minutes (much longer than my discomfort waiting for a BM) and then the end of the film FINALLY comes and I ask myself "you have got to be kidding?!!!"Don't waste your time seeing Tom Hanks in his film debut, he was much more impressive four (4) years later in director Ron Howard's 1984's film Splash.

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Early "Slasher" Entry following "Halloween" (1978) and made the same Year as "Friday the 13th" (1980). A Good Title and the Opening Scenes are Inviting but from there it has Pacing Problems and although there are Numerous Kills, only one or two are in any way Memorable or Ground Breaking.The Acting ranges from Bad to Good, in Fact, Tom Hanks' Feature Film Debut had His Character Slated for a Slashing but Cut Not so because His rather Brief Appearance was so Likable.The Editing is Clunky and the Movie Shows Little in Articism and is only Slightly Removed from its Cloning. The Decision to Rip-Off the Striking and Signature One Note Piano Style from John Carpenter is so Similar as to be Counter-Productive.Surprisingly Bloodless for its Type and the Gore is Minimal. Overall, Worth a Watch for Horror Fans and to see Tom Hanks Entrance, but other Viewers Outside the Genre could Consider Leaving this one Alone.

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A nameless killer stalks brides-to-be. That's "He Knows You're Alone" in a nutshell, so enough about the plot because there's really not much to say.The problem with "He Knows You're Alone" isn't the fact that it's obviously an attempt to cash in on the success of "Halloween" (hell, half the movies made before 1984 attempted the same thing), but the film commits two unforgivable slasher film mistakes: it's bloodless, and it's boring. Two things a slasher film should never be.If you're making a slasher film and you can't manage to keep your movie taut and suspenseful for 90 minutes what with all the stalking and slashing you have the opportunity to put on screen, you're either trying too hard to be classy or you just shouldn't be making a slasher.This isn't to say "He Knows You're Alone" doesn't have some good things going for it--the lighting is atmospheric in some night scenes, there are some tense moments where the killer is just out of frame waiting to strike, and the film is more professionally shot than most of its brothers--but all of its merits are bogged down by the interminably slow pacing. The film needed more blood, more kills, and more suspense overall to compete with even "Halloween", a slow burn itself which still manages to be ten times as entertaining.If you're a fan of 80s slashers, of course you'll still have to see it. If you're a casual horror fan, the most horrifying thing about the movie will probably the amount of time you wasted watching it.

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Lucien Lessard

When an young woman was murdered in a movie theater, while her and her friend was watching an horror movie. It turns this psychopath killer (Tom Rolfing) is after brides to be, after his former girlfriend left him for another man. Amy (Caitlin O'Heaney) is soon to be married but she finds herself stalked this killer and her friends (Elizabeth Kemp and Pasty Pease) are also in danger. A dedicated police detective (Lewis Arlt) is trying hard to capture the killer before he gets to his next target.Directed by Armand Mastroianni (Who been's directing Television movies for years) made an interesting, slowly paced, horror film in the wake of "Halloween" and "Friday the 13th". Although this movie is more of a thriller with some slasher elements and very little blood is shown in the picture. Rolfing is good as the quiet psychopath, who reminds me of the late Anthony Perkins. O'Heaney is a good female lead. "He Knows You're Alone" does have an loyal cult following.DVD has an good anamorphic Widescreen (1.78:1) transfer and an fine Dolby Digital 2.0 Mono Sound. DVD includes an entertaining commentary track by the director and screenwriter:Scott Parker. DVD also includes the original theatrical trailer. "He Knows You're Alone" is memorable for the opening sequence and some well-known actors like the late Paul Gleason, James Rebhorn, Two-Time Oscar Winner:Tom Hanks and Dana Barron in small roles. Die-Hard fans of slasher movies will have an good time with this one. (*** ½/*****).

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